Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I witnessed a miracle today.
and I almost cry just looking at it.

who would know that animals can be so kind and full of love?
who would know that they have no courage to live when their friends missing?
who would know that they will their energy will suddenly boost up seeing their missing friends back by their sides?


my god. i love my rabbits even more. <3
and always do :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

and here i am, wishing that the world have a pause button.

The clock is ticking and left me less than a week to rest happily at home. the next thing i know, i'll be a full time student. :|

yes, what so great about that? tell me.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

hideous. need a barf bag?

i feel like re-decorate my page. yes, this blog. i dont feel the vibe of writing in this blog anymore. maybe because its doesnt seem to attract me. the colour is too bright i guess. or is it just because its getting bored.

so, if i got time, i'll surely change the layout and stuffs. thinking of getting back to my old plain black layout. cause it looks more simple and nice. or maybe not. will think more about it later.

| turquoise, pack your stuff and ready to leave cause the owner gonna adopt a new colour soon. yipeee |

Thursday, June 16, 2011

red-blood moon.

yeah today i woke up early. 6.30 am. ( awal lah tu kalau ikut time cuti kan :D ) means it's 4.30 am back in malaysia. how cool was that harhar. but the thing is, i woke up with a frustrated face. yeah, cause i had missed the lunar eclipse ! i couldnt believe it. rugi sangat couldnt witness and experience the spectacular moments. :( and now everyone was talking about it. and i heard that this lunar eclipse was the longest one in 100 years time. gila. double rugi. and now, bila lah the next eclipse will occur? tell meeeeeee ! :(

dang ! i really wanna witness this with my two round eyes !

but then, nothing i could do more. the past is past. just a waste of time if i keep on thinking about it and regret, rite? so yeah lets cheer up. HARHARHAR.

and there's always a smile in every sadness that happens, isnt it? ewaahhh


the happy moments for today is.... *drum roll please*

i worked out at the gym and i managed to burn 150 calories today ! ( okay, 150 tak termasuk the calories i burned time jalan-jalan siar-siar okay. )
though its quite a small amount but whatthehell it had been a long time since a spent my time exercising. seriously.

so, its a win-win day after all :D

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Brisbane, I am.

Well as what i mentioned in my previous entry.


WALLAAHHH, i'm in Australia. :)

yes, will be staying here for about 16 days. and am going back in Malaysia on the June 26th.

#will upload photos later. stay tuned :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

no material to blog.

Next week gonna be so much fun !


i'll tell ya later ! :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Close friends.

okay, imma gonna list down all Universities/college that my close friends will/already registered in. ;)

  • Wan Husna ; INTEC ( Jordan under MARA ) Dentistry.
  • Afiqah Anwar ; UIAM ( under JPA ) Architecture.
  • Asifa Nasaruddin ; UIAM ( under MARA ) Medic.
  • Madihah Ajmi ; UIAM ( under MARA ) Medic.

  • Mira Bukhari ; UiTM Puncak Alam, Asasi Sains.
  • Puriee Adib ; UiTM Puncak Alam, Asasi Sains.

  • Shima Hishamuddin ; Taylors College ( Australia under MARA ) Engineering.
  • Fathia Azalin ; Matrikulasi Penang, Account.
  • Syaza Naurah ; UiTM Puncak Alam, Asasi Sains.
  • Najian Ibrahim ; UiTM Puncak Alam, Asasi Sains.
  • Kinah Mustafa ; Management&Science University (MSU), Account.
  • Siti Suhailah ; UiTM Penang, Diploma in Pharmacy.
  • Iqa Saodi ; UiTM Kuantan, Asasi TESL.
  • Jiha Nasir ; UiTM Sri Iskandar Perak, Diploma in Quantity Surveyor.
  • Dina Ramley ; UIAM, Asasi Kejuruteraan && Sains Komputer.
  • Neddy Nasution ; Lim Kok Wing University, Diploma in Event Management.
  • Sara Syed Malik ; German-Malaysian Institute, Diploma in Network Security.
  • Aisyah Rahman ; Matrikulasi Johor, Asasi Sains.

  • Mira Azman ; Taylors College ( Canada under Petronas ) Geophysics.
  • Anna Sabrina ; Taylors College ( Canada under JPA ) Tourism.

and as for me ; INTEC ( India under JPA ) Medic.

hope the best for all of us !
with lots of love, stay friends till the end <3

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

1 2 3, I'll be there.

Bruno Mars, you never failed to make me smile.