Thursday, October 23, 2008

hari-hari di sekolah selepas PMR

i thought after PMR all form 3's students will have super duper funfunfunfun! but unfortunately, its NOT. the schedule is like ntah pape, tak menarik langsung and agak keboringan or SANGAT boring. luckily got camera. so, camera whoring is the most activity that we'll do to cure our boredom. here are the photos!

ohmygod, lama nya lah tunggu photos ni semua upload! loading berape jam entah.

haha. our reflection. tapi nampak mcm hantu kan?

2 anak gadis bermain permainan tradisional, congkak

lepak kat library, pas lari senyap2 dari add math class mase teacher tgh ajar. *sorry teacher =D

i'll sleep when boredom strikes *my fave activity! =D

sorry, got lots more photos tapi internet ngekngok. so, kalau rajin, lain kali upload lagi.

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