i gonna talk about my new school.
the things that i hate of.
teguran yang dikenakan selama hanya 3 minggu berada di sekolah baru:
- tudung tak boleh selempang. kena pakai 3 brooch. atas, tengah and bawah. 0_o
- baju singkat. tak boleh atas bontot. pada bontot pon tak boleh. kena bawah bontot. =.=
- stokin pendek. kena tegur lebih dari 3 kali.
- kasut kena susun ikut turutan. first row, kasut sekolah. 2nd row, kasut sukan, 3rd n 4th row, kasut prep and sliper
- kasut kena susun muncung di hadapan. =.=
- nak makan, kena amik lauk dulu baru amik nasi. =.=
- cara baring di surau. kena lah begini n begitu.
- cara duduk ketika membaca doa. tak boleh bersila, kena bersimpuh. =.=
- jangan duduk dekat sangat ngan lelaki. "istilah 2 meter"
- tak boleh singsing lengan baju. singsing ke sengseng?
*got some more, but cant recall*
story 1 :
u know what. i pulled up my sleeves when i'm running for the sukan tara and guess what! most of the seniors ( mostly girls including badar-'badan dakwah n rohaniah'-, and got boys also) kutuk me because of that. no wonder when i came in to the dining hall for dinner, the seniors stared at me. rupe-rupenye, my friend said because of that thing. adoi. eleh, teachers pakai baju lengan pendek tak kecoh pulak. cikgu biasa je, senior yang lebih-lebih.
story 2 :
got this one akak senior who is in charged for the ordering of tshirts, baju batik, yadda yadda yadda. and she asked me what size i want to order. then i said, S size because my PE tshirt is S size also. but that senior looked at me and she said L!
me : ha'?! L? tapi saya punye baju PJ saya pakai size S lah.
akak ngade : size L. nanti singkat. L! L!
me : ok lah ok lah. erm, M. M lah.
akak ngade : ( buat dek) *aish rase cam nak tumbuk je*
me : akak, size M.
akak ngade : Ah! awak tinggi! L!
me : ( dalam hati, "bengong betol la akak ni" )
*the S size tshirt is a little bigger than the SMART koko tshirt i wear. so can u just imagine how do i look like if i'm wearing the L size? =.=
oh, and poor to my friend. he's a thin boy and his height is same as me and the akak ngade said, " SIZE XL! ". terbeliak mata budak tu. kesian.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
kissing the lipless
Directions: Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog or a note on Facebook with sixteen random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose ten people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment (”you’re it”) and to read your blog. You can’t tag the person who tagged you.
16 RANDOM. . . about me:)
- i'm hyper
- i'm loud
- i laugh a lot. i mean like a lot a lot.
- still adapting with new school
- i sleep a lot including during teachers teaching
- i love sports - now, i'm trying out for basketball in my new school ;)
- hate wearing kain dalam
- i missed my friends in smart. i love you.
- first impression of people towards me : sombong n gedik
- new school rules annoy me.
- learning kelantan n terenganu slanga. i can write , but i cant speak. seriouly macam alien kalau dengar sy ckp.
- recently, i slept everyday in my class
- love cats
- i'm not weird. NORMAL ;)
- eat a lot !
- love 54f ( miss u all! )
- hidup aa, mati gelgil !
- all bloggers :O
16 RANDOM. . . about me:)
- i'm hyper
- i'm loud
- i laugh a lot. i mean like a lot a lot.
- still adapting with new school
- i sleep a lot including during teachers teaching
- i love sports - now, i'm trying out for basketball in my new school ;)
- hate wearing kain dalam
- i missed my friends in smart. i love you.
- first impression of people towards me : sombong n gedik
- new school rules annoy me.
- learning kelantan n terenganu slanga. i can write , but i cant speak. seriouly macam alien kalau dengar sy ckp.
- recently, i slept everyday in my class
- love cats
- i'm not weird. NORMAL ;)
- eat a lot !
- love 54f ( miss u all! )
- hidup aa, mati gelgil !
- all bloggers :O
living in hostel is VERY tiring. I have to rush here and there. Every weekdays' routines are just the same. sometimes, i feel like a robot. my new school is not fun like smart. smart is better. the rules here is sooooo ergghhh. agak ntah pape. wajib memakai kain dalam. and i'm totally not a big fan of kain dalam =.= first time pakai. rimas giler kot! since the first day, i have been scolded -wait, not scolded, how am i going to put it right?- ha'! tegur. ditegur almost ten times. baju singkat lah. tudung jgn selempang lah. socks pendek lah. kena pakai singlet all the time lah. kasut kena susun macam ni lah. yadda yadda yadda.
thank god i got some friends yang kira ok lah.
btw, here in my new school, boys and girls must be 'istilah 2 metre from one another'. cannot stand, talk or sit to close, if not.......
ok lah. tak de mood nak tulis lagi.
*still trying to adapt with new school*
thank god i got some friends yang kira ok lah.
btw, here in my new school, boys and girls must be 'istilah 2 metre from one another'. cannot stand, talk or sit to close, if not.......
ok lah. tak de mood nak tulis lagi.
*still trying to adapt with new school*
Thursday, February 19, 2009
walking disaster
1. Copy badge "2008 Cute's 3logger Award" di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda.
2. Link/ceritakan kembali siapa yang memberikan award ini kepada anda.
3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya (anda di-tag).
4. Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award seterusnya dan menyatakan nama mereka di blog anda.
5. Jangan lupa melawat blog kawan anda dan meninggalkan komen yang menyatakan mereka telah di tag
Di tag oleh : http://vc-love.blogspot.com
*dikenali sebagai fiqah.
*merupakan BFF ku n 54f fighters.
*i miss u, babe!
10 fakta/hobi saya.
1. kalau cakap nadiah, orang tak kenal. tapi kalau cakap nadiahbs, baru orang kenal.
2. tinggal di asrama yang berperaturan ketat =.=
3. 54F fighter. *sayang 54F ( http://kawanbaik54f.blogspot.com)*
4. sedang belajar berbahasa terengganu dan kelantan
5. cakap kuat and ketawa sampai tak ingat dunia ( sekarang kena control sikit, since sekolah baru tu tidak membenarkan tingkah laku begitu wujud pada pelajarnya. LAME )
6. saya tak pelik n saya tak tahu kenapa orang rase saya pelik.
7. saya ketawa vibrate.
8. saya kuat tidur and classmates baru saya dah tau tentang ini :|
9. saya rase macam robot tinggal di asrama
10. saya anak malaysia!
10 penerima award :
1. afiqah
2. husna
3. 54f
4. abdul
5. hidayah
6. sarah
7. paduka ratna
8. seha
9. kasya
10. sesiapa lah yang sedang membaca ini.
1. Copy badge "2008 Cute's 3logger Award" di atas untuk diletakkan di blog anda.
2. Link/ceritakan kembali siapa yang memberikan award ini kepada anda.
3. Setiap blogger mesti menyatakan 10 fakta/hobi diri sendiri sebelum memilih penerima award seterusnya (anda di-tag).
4. Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award seterusnya dan menyatakan nama mereka di blog anda.
5. Jangan lupa melawat blog kawan anda dan meninggalkan komen yang menyatakan mereka telah di tag
Di tag oleh : http://vc-love.blogspot.com
*dikenali sebagai fiqah.
*merupakan BFF ku n 54f fighters.
*i miss u, babe!
10 fakta/hobi saya.
1. kalau cakap nadiah, orang tak kenal. tapi kalau cakap nadiahbs, baru orang kenal.
2. tinggal di asrama yang berperaturan ketat =.=
3. 54F fighter. *sayang 54F ( http://kawanbaik54f.blogspot.com)*
4. sedang belajar berbahasa terengganu dan kelantan
5. cakap kuat and ketawa sampai tak ingat dunia ( sekarang kena control sikit, since sekolah baru tu tidak membenarkan tingkah laku begitu wujud pada pelajarnya. LAME )
6. saya tak pelik n saya tak tahu kenapa orang rase saya pelik.
7. saya ketawa vibrate.
8. saya kuat tidur and classmates baru saya dah tau tentang ini :|
9. saya rase macam robot tinggal di asrama
10. saya anak malaysia!
10 penerima award :
1. afiqah
2. husna
3. 54f
4. abdul
5. hidayah
6. sarah
7. paduka ratna
8. seha
9. kasya
10. sesiapa lah yang sedang membaca ini.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
are you a smartian?
unfortunately, i'm not
and it's not a good thing.
and it's not a good thing.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
episode 2
my mom called the boarding school management and he said that 2 PERSON PER ROOM!
its great. but the bad thing is if i got a very boring roommate, i will stuck there lonely and sadly in that room waiting for her to transform into a super friendly and cheerful person.
since its a sighing episode, so..
*sigh again* =.=
reminder to myself : THINK POSITIVE, young lady!
its great. but the bad thing is if i got a very boring roommate, i will stuck there lonely and sadly in that room waiting for her to transform into a super friendly and cheerful person.
since its a sighing episode, so..
*sigh again* =.=
reminder to myself : THINK POSITIVE, young lady!
episode : sigh all the time
seriously, i'm not feel like going to that boarding school right now. i never thought that i would be in the hostel, staying with new friends, live in a place where the surrounding will be totally different from SMART. omg, did i really make the right decision? :|
*sigh again*
*and again*
*and again*
*and again*
but i think i will give it a try. maybe couple of weeks and months. and if i cant really adapt to the new place or dont really like staying there, i'm so gonna move back here. but i'm not sure whether i can come back to SMART again or not. because the principle already said CANNOT!
*sigh again and again*
*again and again*
*again and again*
*again and again*
cant stop sighing,
seriously, i'm not feel like going to that boarding school right now. i never thought that i would be in the hostel, staying with new friends, live in a place where the surrounding will be totally different from SMART. omg, did i really make the right decision? :|
*sigh again*
*and again*
*and again*
*and again*
but i think i will give it a try. maybe couple of weeks and months. and if i cant really adapt to the new place or dont really like staying there, i'm so gonna move back here. but i'm not sure whether i can come back to SMART again or not. because the principle already said CANNOT!
*sigh again and again*
*again and again*
*again and again*
*again and again*
cant stop sighing,