Friday, February 27, 2009

of pengutuk and akak ngade

i gonna talk about my new school.
the things that i hate of.

teguran yang dikenakan selama hanya 3 minggu berada di sekolah baru:
- tudung tak boleh selempang. kena pakai 3 brooch. atas, tengah and bawah. 0_o
- baju singkat. tak boleh atas bontot. pada bontot pon tak boleh. kena bawah bontot. =.=
- stokin pendek. kena tegur lebih dari 3 kali.
- kasut kena susun ikut turutan. first row, kasut sekolah. 2nd row, kasut sukan, 3rd n 4th row, kasut prep and sliper
- kasut kena susun muncung di hadapan. =.=
- nak makan, kena amik lauk dulu baru amik nasi. =.=
- cara baring di surau. kena lah begini n begitu.
- cara duduk ketika membaca doa. tak boleh bersila, kena bersimpuh. =.=
- jangan duduk dekat sangat ngan lelaki. "istilah 2 meter"
- tak boleh singsing lengan baju. singsing ke sengseng?

*got some more, but cant recall*

story 1 :

u know what. i pulled up my sleeves when i'm running for the sukan tara and guess what! most of the seniors ( mostly girls including badar-'badan dakwah n rohaniah'-, and got boys also) kutuk me because of that. no wonder when i came in to the dining hall for dinner, the seniors stared at me. rupe-rupenye, my friend said because of that thing. adoi. eleh, teachers pakai baju lengan pendek tak kecoh pulak. cikgu biasa je, senior yang lebih-lebih.

story 2 :

got this one akak senior who is in charged for the ordering of tshirts, baju batik, yadda yadda yadda. and she asked me what size i want to order. then i said, S size because my PE tshirt is S size also. but that senior looked at me and she said L!

me : ha'?! L? tapi saya punye baju PJ saya pakai size S lah.

akak ngade : size L. nanti singkat. L! L!
me : ok lah ok lah. erm, M. M lah.
akak ngade : ( buat dek) *aish rase cam nak tumbuk je*
me : akak, size M.
akak ngade : Ah! awak tinggi! L!
me : ( dalam hati, "bengong betol la akak ni" )

*the S size tshirt is a little bigger than the SMART koko tshirt i wear. so can u just imagine how do i look like if i'm wearing the L size? =.=

oh, and poor to my friend. he's a thin boy and his height is same as me and the akak ngade said, " SIZE XL! ". terbeliak mata budak tu. kesian.



  1. i used to be in your situation.sabar je laa ;)

  2. hok aloh sekolah sains je kot
    belum tahfiz lagi pn =.=

  3. sy pena lalu sume tue..,
    awk nye sch kate 2 meter..,
    sch sy 3 hasta. hahahaha..,

  4. afiq =.=
    bkn ke skolah awk dulu all boys?

  5. ade dua la. malacca high school n mozac..,
    MHS yg sume laki..,
    cm pelik je kali laki ngan laki pon xleh dekat..,

  6. haha..afiq
    langkah awal elak ke'gay'an melanda la tuh..
