Monday, November 23, 2009

2012 for today

it's 2.21 am and it's monday! but haih. i'm gonna start my tuition today. since my final exam result is a total disaster, my mom decided to register me into some class tuition. the class will be held every monday and wednesday for 6 precious weeks from 10 am to 1.30 pm. man, kill me now. i wished the teachers teach us with enthusiasm and not lame and bored. may my wish comes true.

after finish tuition for today, i'll be going straight to megamall to catch a movie with my boarding school friends. and i'm sure dina cant wait for that moment since her mr. kotak-kotak will be there too. haha.

nadiahbs : dina mesti excited giler nak kuar esok. kan mr. kotak-kotak ade nnt. haha
aisyah : yup. mesti x tido sbb pilih baju. haha
nadiahbs : btol2.
aisyah : nnt tanye aiman, mr. kotak-kotak pakai baju colour pe. nnt bleh matching ngan dina. haha
nadiahbs : ohh, boleh2.

what? i'm bored, okay?!



  1. yes yes!
    sangat best!

    mr kotak2 pun ade?
    dinaa must be soooo xP
    haha :D

  2. yes yes!
    sangat best!

    mr kotak2 pun ade?
    dinaa must be soooo xP
    haha :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. haha,
    sgt2 happy n excited kot.

    n omg,
    die mmg nmpk hot.

    dina pn admit jgk.
