Saturday, December 19, 2009


last night i can hardly sleep. i dont know why. but i forced myself to sleep from 3 am but still couldnt. and at last, i ended up sleeping at 9 in the morning -.-

i woke up at 1.30 because my mom asked my lil sis to wake me up. so i only get to sleep for only 4 hours of pathetic time. haih. however, amazingly, i dont feel tired nor sleepy the whole day long and still awake till now.

ask me no more. i also dont know what exactly wrong with me. this is the first time in my life that i couldnt sleep although i want it so badly.

since i cant sleep and was damn bored, i tried to text asifa.

first text message, 6:35 am :
ade ubat tido x? haha. sbb sy xleh tido dr td walaupon dh pukol 6 lbh

but no reply

second text message, 7:50 am :
nk maen teka teki x? cube teka sy dh tido ke blom? jwpn die BLOM. haih x leh tido!

and asifa replied my second message at 8:16 am.
thank god


  1. nad nad, awk mmg susah nk tdo. kne buat mende yg memenatkan awk haha. nnt mlm2 ngntuk tros tido. jgn wt mende laen hahah

  2. mlm mmg susah nk tido,
    tp siang je senang.
    especially mase time kat skolah

  3. buat addmath or keje skola la kalo xboleh tdo..
    or bce bku..
    then nnti awk ngantok la..
    sume tu kan 'ubat tdo' utk stdnt cm kte nie..haha.

  4. bagi pengetahuan awk, saye baru je tutup phone pukul 6.15 lepas solat..haha, nasib x baikk..heeee
