Friday, January 1, 2010

one . one . two o one o

goodbye two double o nine
hello twenty ten

sumpah tak sangke. time flew fast kan? rasa macam baru je 2009 n now, hello 2010. ok i have ti admit yang azam 2009 memang sangat tak tercapai lagi. especially the part yang i said that i would study hard, less playing yadda yadda yadda. but look at me, i ended up like a total useless lazy girl yang surely tak insaf2. haish. why is it so hard for me to chage myself? konon azam je kuat, hasil tadak. haha. i'm sure 2010 akan sangat lain n much tougher. life is getting more complicated but i know that i need to stay strong. 2009 is such a roller coaster ride. i do break down sometimes although thousands of smile carved on my face. harap all the things that i've been through in 2009, akan jadi semangat n pengajaran for me.

sumpah 2009 ni agak tak best compared to tahun2 lain. t
you guys want to know why.
this is the reasons :
  • husna, bff ku pindah ke kelantan
  • 54f seperate, semua ke haluan masing-masing
  • i pindah sekolah asrama penuh
  • dicaci, dikutuk n segala nya yang sama kategorinya
  • permainan penuh tangisan berlaku
  • sumpah terlalu banyak drama n conflict
n lots lots more lah. tapi walau tak best i still tak ready lagi to mobe on to a new year. banyak lagi benda yang i'm supposed to do tapi tak buat lagi. that is so very frustrating.
tapi tipu giler la kan kalau cakap 2009 ni takde benda langsung yang best.ade jugak. tapi still not the best year la.

so thats it. happy new year to all my readers n followers. dah tua kan kite? anyway make 2010 the best year ever n enjoy every bit of it ;)

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