Thursday, December 9, 2010

selamat tinggal boarding school

this morning was my last morning bath in hostel. yes, i'm going home today. alone. by bus. pleasant enough? so not. plus, two luggage, a box, a backpack and a huge bag. =.=

ok. deep breath.

so, today is the melancholic day ever in sester ( kot? ) many fellas wave their last goodbyes and not to forget jugs of tears rolling down their cheeks. who knows that we might not even meet again soon? two years in boarding school, seems like a short period but since we're always together day and night *pusing-pusing sekolah pun jumpa orang yang sama jugak* so our friendship bond is like really strong haha -.-

ok. selamat tinggal ya sester. terima kasih atas segala kenangan dan memori. aku hargai. tinggal di asrama takdelah hampeh sangat pun. sumpah best. aku pasti rindu semua kawan-kawan yang tinggal jauh-jauh ni especially yang duduk kat kelantan. zaman bila tak tahu la baru boleh jumpa korang. maybe kat kolej kot, tapi tu pun kalau sama.

so, farewell fellas ;) :(

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