Friday, January 7, 2011

at last,

got an email from the program cabaran angkasawan earlier this morning. i was the top 5 for zon terengganu for the phase 1. so, i was selected for the phase 2 on the 23-29 january. farid and sakinah also were selected and the other 2 are college students. i'm not sure where the program will be held but surely somewhere in KL. there is no much information given in the email but they will send us a letter next week about the whole program thing.

i know it would be like very hard to compete with others participants since this program is opened to 16 years old and above. so, there will be people at their 20s, 30s and also 40s competing against me. but i'll try my best. its better trying then giving up, rite?

but what i fear most is my english skill. i mean, i really sucks in english yknow. especially when i need to communicate with people. i would rather go like 'hurm, aahhh, hurmm, eeeee,' haha than blurting out those american-language words. ==' n my grammar, sucks big time 0.o
dah laa, i hope i can do well nanti. haish :|


  1. me too,

    pastikan awak masih bernyawa ya di sana ;)

  2. ha3.nice en3.wei,ak pon bimbg gop ey englsh ak ni.lgi hncor dr mu.hak3.speaking ganu je la.

  3. hahaha kalau farid speaking ganu, sy pon nak cakap ganu jgk lah!
    ganu cmpur kelate! haha
