Wednesday, January 19, 2011

jalan tar

just got a phone call from siti natrah, the angkasa program. dia kata, i kena naik bus sebab kuantan n KL dekat je. so, yang stay kat terengganu je naik flight because it will took 7 to 8 hours journey kalau naik bus. haish hampeh je. so, now, i kena naik bus n turun dekat pudu 0.o n pudu is like scary n banyak penyangak to me. how great is that? kalau ramai2 i tak kesah sangat, but not alone. :| hurm. havent tell my mom yet. tak tau la apa dia cakap nanti


*20 minutes later

i told my father n he kinda not agree with that.
reason ; nanti i penat masa balik dari KL ke kuantan sebab dah one whole week buat fizikal aktiviti :| *huh?*

then, he called my mom. he also didnt agree -.-
reason ; pudu bahaya. n she wont let me take the bus alone to pudu.*i told so, banyak penyangak*

then, she called natrah. and called me back.
and guess what, i'm still going to KL by flight. but no from kuantan. but from KUALA TERENGGANU. so, boleh lah pergi sekali ngan kinah n farid. yeay, just like i planned before ;)
so, kiranya the day before to, i kena balik kampung lah. stay satu malam at wan's. n the next day, baru pegi airport terengganu. agak leceh kan? tapi whatthehell, i dont care. at least ada kawan kan drpd naik sorang2 :)

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