Sunday, February 6, 2011

recap of January 2011

this month pretty much fun and full of awesomeness. i met lots of new friends *angkasawan program* and i hope that the friendship i treasure didnt just ended like that. hope that we're still keep in touch until hurm, forever :)

so, here's pretty much what happened in january 2011 ;

  • me being an 18 years old ladayyhhh, i must say haha.
  • my lil sis also celebrated her birthday on this month. she's 13.
  • i start working with my father. there's nothing much to do actually in the office. i just on my facebook and blogging most of the time. seriously haha.
  • start taking driving class. but i'm too lazy to take the static test and until now, i havent completely read the 'buku panduan pemandu' yet.
  • aiman registered in UTP as a petroleum-engineering student. hey hey freshie haha
  • madihah 54f registered in UIA. budak medic kot 0.o
  • and drum roll please.....i went to the most awesome program i ever had in my entire life. program cabaran angkasawan 1 malaysia. met lots of cool and awesome people there. found a new inspiration ; dr faiz khaleed :)

january have been kind to me. i hope the other months didnt screw my 2011. amin ;)

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