Tuesday, March 22, 2011

it's exactly 24 hours before the announcement

i'm going to Kuala Terengganu this evening. and as the world knows, tomorrow is the freaking day for all the SPM 2010-leavers to freak out because tomorrow the freaking SPM RESULT WILL BE ANNOUNCED ! and yes, like others, i'm quite nervous and couldnt take my mind off from thinking those ridiculous result that i might get. i mean, am i gonna be excellent or just so-so. haiyaa.

so pray for the best of me. and wish me a very good luck so that tomorrow, march 23rd 2011 gonna be the best damn day ever in my life. perhaps.

till then.

p/s : i can guarantee nothing whether i'm gonna post an entry on my SPM result or not. just wait and see. :|


  1. good luck to you. semoga dpt straight A+. :)

  2. Insya Allah. same goes to you, my friend. :)

  3. saya dpt 5A je. awak?

  4. alhamdulillah, dpt straight A's :)

  5. hebatnye awak! congrats btw.
    so nak apply course apa nti?

  6. hehe biase jelah.
    erm, thinking of taking medic. nk apply fr overseas. mntk2 dpt.
