baiklah. dalam entri ni saya nak share a bit pasal my JPA interview last week. i tell apa yang i boleh recalled ek sebab ada sikit-sikit lupa dah.
only He knows how i felt bila i checked the website and found out yang i dalam list for the interview for medical course. thrilled but at the same time, nervous gilak sampai sejuk tangan.
then, i buat lah preparation, do some research yadda yadda. yelah, nak amik medic kan, kena lah tau a bit about the course kan, baru lah nampak macam kita memang betul-betul tekad nak further study dalam medic. segala penyakit yang tengah famous sekarang, semua i buat research. you name it, adenovirus? leptospirosis? dengue? just to prepare lah kan, in case mereka tanya soalan nak kasi kita mati punya, tercengang nak jawab.
so, i got the first day punya which on 12th april. 9.40 am.
since the letter stated that i needed to be there 30 minutes earlier for the registration, i ni apa lagi, pukul 8.40 dah tercegat kat situ. dia nak half an hour early, i bantai 1 hour early. semangat tu jangan cakap lah, sampai orang tu pun tergelak sebab awal sangat haha.
so i was in panel 3. and dia ada kasi group kan, and unlucky as i always be, i orang first dalam group tu and i'm the only one applying for medic, yang 4 lagi tu applied for pharmacy. 4 girls and a boy. boy tu dari MCKK, u. berdebar gilak kot tengok dia, nampak dari luar memang confidence level tiptop gitu. muka memang tak boleh nak cakap lah, memang nampak educated lah, i tell you. terasa rendah diri 2 saat ketika itu.
entered the interview room, ada 3 interviewers, 2 lelaki 1 perempuan. lelaki tu, sorang adalah doktor. and he looks familiar. tapi i couldnt recalled pernah nampak dia kat mana. and he also as if he knows me too. the way he looked at me lah kan. entahlah, maybe dia stay kat bukit istana jugak kot. entah, i dont know. and yang perempuan tu pulak, macam muka teacher hashidah. sebijik kot. yang satu lagi tu, biasa je.
and since i'm the one yang pakai nametag number 1, so, mereka pun asked me to introduce myself first. i cakap lah, nama, family a bit, koko participation, jawatan yadda yadda. and bitau jugak lah kan course apa nak amik and reasons. nasib baiklah agak lancar part tu. yelah, pasal diri kita je pun kan. oh and yang laki MCKK tu kan, dia duduk beside me. then, i terkejot gilak tau tak bila dia kata adik beradik dia 13 orang. terbeliak kejap mata. yelah, interviewer tu pun terkejut siap tanya lagi, from single parents ke? and dia jawab, yes. gila lah. macam mana lah nak beranak ramai macam tu. fuuhhh.
okay dah. back to the interview thingy.
dia ada tanya pasal ubat tradisional, herbs macam tu. they asked for our opinions lah kan. and i was the first one, jadi macam agak gelabah sebab kena fikir terus on the spot. and i rasa masa ni i'm a bit slack lah. i main hentam je jawab. nasib ada jugak lah point nya haha.
and for soalan terbuka, dia asked about knowledge and technology, which one come first. budak MCKK tu volunteer nak jawab dulu. then, interviewer tu suruh this one chinese girl jawab. then baru ingat nak tambah kan pasal tu tapi diorang macam nak cepat and terus wrap pasal topik tu.
after that, they asked nak study kat mana and why. so i cakap lah mahu ke new zealand. sebab JPA ada hantar for medic di NZ, India, Russia, Poland and Republic Czech je. so pilih lah NZ, orang kata lawa menarik tertarik. and bagitahu lah reasons nya. and interviewers saya ni dia suka lah argue-argue ni, berdebar kot. nasib lah okay je.
akhir sekali, dia tanya ada soalan apa-apa tak nak tanya mereka. i'm the first one to ask. and dia kata 29 april keluar result whether we got the scholarship or not. kiranya dah dekat lah kan. harap kamu semua doakan ya agar saya dapat. sebab saya sangat mahukannya. frust menonggeng ni kalau tak dapat.
and interview tu pun berakhir. 40 minutes camtulah. memang bunyi macam lama, tapi kan sumpah rasa kejap gila.
overall i think i did it quite well.
insyaAllah kalau ada rezeki tu, dapat lah scholarship tu.
Amin :)
insyallah dapat nad.. panel tuu cair tgk awak senyum..hahah
ReplyDeleteinsyaallah dapat, pray hard :)
ReplyDeleteqiela ; haha x psl je. btw, good luck ek for mara interview. nnt share pulak psl interview awk kat blog ek
ReplyDeleteseha ; hope so. yes, i will :)
29 ni..OMG..haha btw insyaALLAH hope god give us the best ang give us wat we want haha...who knows maybesomeday batch x will see each others at europe may be haha
ReplyDeleteya, insyaAllah one day. it will so much meaningful if we meant to reunite in europe. ceh impian tinggi gila tu
ReplyDeletehaha sangat bermakna lah haha