Friday, May 6, 2011

curi aura dia sikit lah kat sana nanti HAHAHA

and like all the people on the land of Malaysia ( huh? ) , i was thrilled and excited too to check on our UPU result. and tadaaa ! i got my first choice, Alhamdulillah. :)

Universiti Malaya :)

though i need to like freaking struggle once i study there, but i'm just couldnt wait to start my days as a college student. wehooooo !

and congratulations to all of you too !
and to those who didnt manage to get any place in UPU, it's okay there's lot more opportunities waiting for you guys, InsyaAllah.


  1. nadiah, masuk x masuk lain cerita. yg penting, dpt file UM tu simpan. kenangann

  2. haha yeah. husna, serious berdebar gila nak start belajar ni. mcm x best je :|

  3. Kalau betul2 masuk asasi tanya seniors yang baru leaps asasi tu. Ramai yang menyesal main2 masa 1st sem. Ramai je score 2nd sem tp sebab 1st sem x elok terus kiok overall. Struggle betul2. Kalau buat btl2, untung sgt msk asasi. Nak nak UM kan. Just be ready and no play. Ignore culture shock yg penting.
