Saturday, July 9, 2011

First Impression

well, everywhere we go, mesti akan ada first impression kan. dekat people and even tempat tu.

tadi madi called me, dia cakap one of her ex-schoolmate which happen to be my group member masa orientasi cakap her first impression to me was NADIAH NI LEMAH LEMBUT ORANGNYA. and madi of course lah kan, was like, "apa? lemah lembut? *sambil gelak tak habis2*


serious? am i that lemah lembut?

kelakar kot. the other group member cakap yang i ni muka innocent je. yeahhh kelakar sungguh tak terkata. okay, maybe it was because 1st week in a new place kan, so takkan lah cam tetibe je nak jadi kecoh and stuff kan. so thats why diorang nampak i ni macam lemah lembut, innocent yadda yadda.

tapi serious pelik, sebab before this kalau cakap pasal first impression, people would say that i ni nampak macam sombong, takut nak tegur lah, gedik lah apa semua. and this is the first time ever, people cakap LEMAH LEMBUT hahaha.

okay, so new life, new me? haha so notttttttt.

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