Thursday, December 29, 2011

Two Thousand Eleven.

Hey. 2011 is coming to an end. Another year flew away, hope that's gonna make us into a more mature and useful person for our own selves, families, friends and the world. ecehh.

Two more days before we hit 2012. What have we done throughout the year of 2011. Something beneficial, or just another wasted year?

Well, let see. As for me, it was quite a beneficial one, and great too. though there were still some unwanted sad pathetic things happened to me several times.

Let's do some review on 2011, babeehh ! ( Oh and the pictures I uploaded untuk event yg I tak mention okay? )

January ;

Still in the freedom of SPM mood. Being a couch potato most of the times. And I love every bitsof 'em. my mind and body were a complete wasted that time, but wth there's nothing to do since high school is over, so yeah couch potato I was. Oh, I turned 18 on January 16th. Yes, saya "kaklong" untuk anda-anda semua. eceehh haha. Oh time ni, my "boyfriend" got accepted to Universiti Teknologi Petronas for early intake. Yelah, orang hebat kan, guna result trial. Eh?Tapi kenapa ada tanda ---> "boyfriend". tungguuuuu.

And I went for Final Program Cabaran Angkasawan ! I was one of the finalist. Woot woot ! Heee. And that was pretty much a good start for a new year, isn't it? Kenangan hebat-hebat belaka sepanjang program tu. Walaupun semua finalist beza umur pun banyak juga ( the youngest was 17 and the oldest was 34 if I'm nt mistaken ). Best gila. I was so inspired and motivated. Oh, and Dr. Faiz Khaleed is a great man. Tak sangka he is so friendly ! He was with us all the time during the program. The prize was a trip to Starcity Moscow, Russia but I didnt win it. Tapi takpe, dah dapat masuk pun dah happy gila kot ! :)

From KL to Langkawi

My new family ! YAM - Yayasan Angkasawan Malaysia

February ;

A happy ending of January 2011, but I could say ( at that time lah kan ) A sad starting of February 2011 ( Okay, lebih kepada emo actually LOL ). Sebaaabbbbbb, I broke up on February 9th. So, sebab tu lah, kat review January tu, ada tanda "boyfriend" tu haha. Sebab apparently, now EX sudah. That time memang emo lah kan ( well who dont when they break up? ) tapi I moved on. Sekarang hati, jiwa, badan, segalanya SIHAT WALAFIAT ! Alhamdulillah.

Rasanya itu je kot yang I ingat for February haha. Oh oh, I think I started working with my dad on this month. :)

February ni to me, lebih kepada 'Moving On Phase' lah. Eceehh.

March ;

I tak ingat lah what happened on this month. Hmmm.

Eh wait !!

SPM RESULT lah weyy ! :D

Alhamdulillah, I got 9A's. Never expected that. Most of my teachers pun terkejut kot. Yelah I was such a lazy ass and ALWAYS sleep in the class. Not to mention all the BIG RED F on most of my core subject. Sumpah happy gila time tu sebab I ni kiranya bukan lah dalam golongan "target straight A's". Serious. Tapi Alhamdulillah again and always. All my efforts paid off. Nasib baik I got 16% for my add math on April test ( Oppss, secret revealed. :| ), kalau tak, memang takdenya lah nak sedar diri, wake up call bagai.

Jom Heboh concert at Terengganu with basketball players.

Basketball reunion

April ;

Time terpalsung-busy-gilsangam lah kan for high school leavers. Yelah, time ni lah semua dok sebok nak apply itu ini. My mom was the busiest of all kot haha. Suruh I apply for all sorts of scholarship. Name it, JPA, Petronas, Khazanah, TNB, Yayasan Pahang terengganu semua lah haha. Okay, nak apply pun berdebar gila okay. Sebab for JPA and Mara tu, have to choose either one. ONE only. So, resah gelisah lah. sebab ramai suruh apply for Mara. Tapi I takut sebab usually Mara akan lebihkan tu budak MRSM kan. Lepas istikarah ( which I hoped I dream about which scholar I click on the website ) tapi tak dapat petunjuk through mimpi. Maybe Allah kasi petunjuk ikut berat hati ke mana, or whatever we called it, So, hati ku ini berat ke JPA ! :D Applied lah for JPA

The best night ever - Sleepover with 54Fs at MS Garden Hotel. Husna's dad treat ! Sebab semua54F got straight A's. Alhamdulillah ;)

Penyampaian hadiah SPM at SESTER

Penyampaian Hadiah Yayasan Terengganu

Iqa and I went to KL. met up bangsawans and the boys.
May ;

Berdebar pulak tunggu result for every scholarship yang di-applied. Alhamdulillah, once again, I got offered for interview by JPA, Yayasan Terengganu, Yayasan Pahang, Petronas ( for UTP intake ) and tk ingat lah apa lagi, ke takde dah. *shrug* Semua pergi kecuali yang untuk course selain Medic haha. Memang dah tau tak nak pun engineering, tapi my mom still suruh apply -.-so apply jelah, tapi tak pergi pun interview. Hati tak memilih pyhsics sangat. heee.

Husna's coming to town ! Great moments with the 54Fs ;)

Beach time, with my girlss. heee

Shima's coming to town ! Bangsawans hangout.

June ;

Tak ingat apa jadi pada June. Sorry. Oh pasal result interview pun not sure whether got on Mayor June. Just assumed June sebab I have nothing to write in this column. Alhamdulillah, God Al Mighty, dapat semua interview yang I attended. JPA to India, Yayasan Pahang to Mesir and Yayasan Terengganu to Russia.

Okay. Memang 2 3 bulan penat jantung berdebar, sakit otak mengerah keputusan. I was in dilemma. Yelah tk tau nak pilih mana. Mesir and Russia kena preparation 3 bulan je and off to the destination, and India pulak 2 freaking long years of preparation and baru fly ke India. Memang nyum nyum lah kan Mesir and Russia sebab cepat fly. Tapi after considering all aspects and dengar few nasihats from orangsss, doctorsss, friendsss. India it is ! :DD

Went to Australia for 2 weeks ! ( Brisbane & Gold Coast )

July ;

Registered for college, INTEC. Doing my 2 years A-level there. Orientation was fun. INPRO was super fun. My bestfriend, Husna was in the same college too ! Took MEPS, going to Jordan. Memang kalau ada masa je, mesti lepak dengan dia.

Participated in Basketball match - INPRO ( 2nd place ! )

INPRO closing ceremony - A-Level won !

Participated in Frisbee - INPRO ( 2nd place jugak )

The day I showed to Husna my so-called crush haha. - Food Festival.

August ;

I started to feel the stress burying me deep down the ground sebab they ( the people in the college ) are all genius to the max! And untuk I yang so-so ini, terasa sangat rendah darjatnya. Serious :( Dengan sedihnya, Ogos adalah bulan terakhir kami together-gether di INTEC. She off to Jordan few days after Aidliftri. How sad. Tapi rasa sangat bermakna lah sebab time or detik-detik terakhir bersama ( eceh so lovey dover cheesy meesy ) banyak benda lah kitorang spent masa together. ( okay tk faham dh ayat -.- ) yelah, kami pergi berjalan mencari baju raya together, men-visit ex-boyfriendnya di hospital together, bukak puasa together, and banyak lah together-nya :D Miss you anak Gapor ! <3

Break-fasting with my bestie and her MEPS friends.

Break-fasting with ze classmates !

Break-fasting with ze ex-Sesterians

Our happened-to-be Annual Sleepover at Tiya's ! ;)

September ;

College jelah, apa lagi. Oh time ini memang saya berdikari sekali lah ! Sebab I was quite alone at that time. Kat INTEC memang lah ada classmates nak pergi lunch library apa semua. tapi kat Akasia not really. Especially weekend. Memang I tapau makanan makan dalam bilik sorang2 jelah selalu haha. foreveralone as what Afiqah usually said. Tapi nasib lah ada rakan SMART ku sekalian. Terubat sikit ke-sunyian di hati. ecehh.

October ;

Kurang dah detik-detik foreveralone haha. Rakan SMART sentiasa di sisi. ;)
Oh time ni dah stressed out pasal carry marks rendah lah apa lah. And final pun dah dekat ! Routine harian ---> Siang : Pegi INTEC for classes. Malam : Pegi studyroom for absorbing-facts-and-brain-tortured sessions HAHA

Wall climbing at Extreme Park Seksyen 13 with the Akasias and Cemaras.

Malam Sayembara. Tapi kami buat persembahan atas jalan je haha.

Malam Ko-PLN. Hebat kembar Syaza menyanyi. Suara buat I cair haha.

Lawatan Ko-PLN to UiTM puncak alam

Crazy moments with classmates !

November ;

Final exams. Finish. I lepokzzz je memanjang. Issue report? HAHA sebulan lagi ada. Chillex bro !
Rasa macam baru habis SPM pun ada time ni. Heaven, I tell you.

December ;

I iz so into One Tree Hill. I iz watching every night. I haz no life hahahaha.
Issue report? Oh ya. Seminggu lagi nak register baru gatal nak buat. Yes, and now still working on it. Naiss =='


Sorry entry ni terlalu panjang, beyong my expectation. Ingat nak tulis sikit-sikit sahaja. Tapi mana nak cram 365 hari dengan 1 entri yang pendek kan? Waahh bila post entri ni baru perasan that my 2011 is SUPER DUPER FUN !


2011 saya penuh suka duka, gelak tawa, sedih hiba. But that what makes me more stronger than before.

So, how about you? Apa 2011 dah buat pada diri anda?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Our dads were bestfriends.

Hang out with Iqa todayyy ! :D
Watched Songlap and had 7 cheesy bites pizza for our lunch. Oh, and Baskin Robbin's ice-cream for dessert.

Looking at this photo makes me realised how chubby I have become all this while. Bulat gila muka okay. No wonder Yana selalu cakap yang my face bulat bulat :O haha.

Oh, and bought a pair of Vincci flat shoes for Iqa ! Birthday present. Actually, tak planned pun. Nak habiskan my RM10 Padini voucher tadi. I wanted to buy for myself sebenarnya, but then terfikir macam dah banyak sangat dah kasut kat rumah, so I still wanted to buy it. So, I just bought it for Iqa haha. And, it was so cheaappp ! Berbaloi ! :D

( Oh, upload kecik sikit gambar dia HAHA, feels weird muka dia terpampang besar kat entri ni. heee )

While having those long girl's talk and gossip, terserempak pulak dengan Kisshen. Our SESTER senior. Well, I used to called him, "Anne", ( abang in Tamil ). We were so closed those days. Then, dia joined borak sampai kitorang balik.

It feels so relieved to have this girls day out, even though only two of us hanging out together. Rindu gila nak borak and lepak with my girls. Hmmm.

Hope bila balik Shah Alam nanti, can meet up with my 54Fs and Bangsawans. Ronggeng around KL like we used to ;)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Ulalaaaa !

Okay. Attention.
This might be a one lame entry of celebrity crush. HAHA.


Ohmygod ! Had the most awesome dream ever last night ! I just couldn't believe it that I was actually dreamt about One Tree Hill haha. Funny enough, I was there, IN THE STORY, with Mr. Hottie, Chad Michael Murray ! Who would ever imagine that I would stand and walk beside him ?! Yes, BESIDE HIM. But it's nothing like a movie though, it was like we're in the same college going through our life like a normal person. But there's also some conflicts and dramas. Wait ! Maybe it do looks like the OTH series, the situation, the surrounding. Weehooo. :) That is soooo cool ! and there was also Brooke Darvis ( Sophie Bush ) and her girl friends. We had our meal together at McD haha. There's also an event where my hand was massively bleeding due to hmmm okay I forgot why my hand was bleeding. But of course, I was with Chad Michael Murray or should I called him as Lucas Scott heeee ;) I swear there was a lot, yes A LOT of events going on. I can't really remember all of it. But sure as heck it was the most awesome dream I ever had ! Wohooo for the dream of Dec 25th !

The story supposed to be a lot longer, but I just can't recalled all of the dream. Better than nothing, right? I woke up with a smile, I tell ya !

Quite a good end for 2011, isn't it?


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Nadideo Nadidei

Found this on tumblr ! Haven't do this kind of stuff for quite a longggg time. Though this is all the so-myspace thingy, I always have fun doing it ! ;)

Let's begin !

1. Your ex texted you and wanted you back. Would you take him/her back?
Hmm. Depends on the reasons we broke up.

2. Has anyone told you “forever and ever” then left?
No, because I'm not really into those cheesy moments when in relationship with someone. But if you talked about bestfriends forever and ever. well definitely NO, they never leave me ! I love them for always being there whenever I'm in good and bad.

3. Your relationship status?
Well, I'm single. But in my facebook account, I'm married to Shahera Zahari ! Awwww :D

4. Where did you meet your crush(es)?
Where else other than high school and college, aite?

5. Have you ever lost a close friend?
Alhamdulillah, not yet.

7. Do you smoke weed regularly?
"of course !" HAHAHA -.-

8. Think back to the beginning of 2011. Are you still dating the same person?
Hmm I already stated before that I'm single. So, NO. have been single for almost a year. Wohooo for that !

9. Would you parents be mad if you were in a relationship?
Not really. They're not mad, just advising as how parents usually react when they know we're dating someone.

10. When was the last time you really laughed?
Yesterday, I guess. Well I always laugh over silly things.

11. Something is wrong. First guy you turn to?

12. First girl you’d turn to?
First girl? No one to be exact. Depends on the subjects/problems. But surely its gonna be anyone from My 54F's and bangsawans ! and not to forget, my lesbo partner, Sheraaaaa.

13. Is there anyone who doesn’t like you because of something you did?
Not sure about that. Well, I'm well-liked by others HAHAHA perasan sudah.

14. Angry at anyone?
No, not anymore. I learnt to apologize, forgive and forget.

15. What’s stopping you from going for the person you like?
Either my friend like him or the small voice inside my head says that I'm not suitable for him. oh, and I like to observe and if he did anything that I don't fancy of, it's a sign to stop liking him.

16. When was the last time you cried really hard?
Can't recalled.

17. Is there anyone you would do anything for?
Yes. My ego tells me not to mention it here hahaha.

18. Who was the last person you talked to for more than 10 minutes on the phone?
Sheraaa. But it was like more than a week before.

19. What is your favorite song?
Lotsssszzz. Jason Mraz's, Wani Ardy's, Adele's and moreeeeeeeee haha. ( okay, not answering the question )

20. Do you like Red Bull?
You mean, the isotonic drink? Yes, whenever I drink it, I feel like having some kind of superpower. LOL

21. How many people can you tell just about everything to?
About everything? EVERYTHING? Well, there's no one. Some stuff, I just let it bury and only me, Nadiahbs knows 'em.

22. Have you ever wished on a shooting star?
No, I don't think I have ever seen one. :|

23. Does the last person you held hands with mean something to you?
Yes, my daddy ! ;)

24. Describe yourself in one word.
Nadiahbs. ( Yes, I'm Nadiahbs and no word can describe who I am )

25. Do you have anything that belongs to your ex?
Hmm not sure.

26. Can you honestly say you’ve had a sleepover with the opposite gender?
With my cousins ! muehehehe.

27. Do you rebound?
Once. I don't think I'll be doing that again because as long as I can remember, it always ended up being what it is before the "rebound". -.-

28. Ever cheated on someone?
Yes. and I rather not talk about it. Past is past.

29. What would you do if you found out the person you like was in a relationship?
Nevermind. It's merely a crush anyway.

30. Do you act differently around the person you like?
No. I want that person to like who I am, not who am I around 'em.

31. Honestly, what guy’s number do you have memorized?
phone number, jersey's number hoho.

32. Is it hard to make you laugh?
No, as easy as ABC haha. I laugh over EVERYTHING. Sometimes, people don't get what I'm laughing at.

33. Who was the last person to make you mad?
Mom. Hmmmm.

34. Do you think your last ex will eventually want to be with you again?
I don't know. I couldn't read people's mind especially someone who is in 'history' folder and no longer in my present.

35. Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms?
Well, my dad and my girl friends.

36. Has anyone ever called you scrumptious before?
Haha, bukan nak perasan. Tapi ada kot. Eceehhh

37. Would you like to put a night on repeat and live it forever?
Yes, 54F sleepover at MS Garden Hotel.

38. Do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out?

39. Is your best friend a slut?
VERY ANGELIC, okayyy. hoho.

40. Is hard drugs a turn off?
Absolutelayyy !

41. Are you happy with life right now?

42. Are you still in love with your ex?
HAHAHAHA, of course not.

43. Are you still in love with your ex?
Memang tak perlu lah kan nak tanya dua kali.

44. Have you ever been the “other person” in a relationship?
Rather not talk about it.

45. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes. Who doesn't?

46. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Yes. Oppss.

47. Is there anybody you’re really disappointed in?
Yes. Don't wanna mention here. ;'(

48. Where is your best friend?
Right inside here *pointing to my heart*

49. Something you’re happy about?

50. How is your heart lately?
Getting stronger. Jyeah ! ;)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Still choosing the passenger seat.



Monday, December 19, 2011

New Turn-On !

" Sometimes it's easy to feel like you're the one in the world who's struggling, who's frustrated, or unsatisfied at barely getting by. But, that feeling is a lie and if you just hold on ; just find the courage to face it all for another day, someone or something will find the way and make it all okay. Because we all need a little help sometimes, someone to help us hear the music in the world. To remind us that it won't always be this way. That someone is out there, and that someone will find you. "

-Lucas Scott, One Tree Hill

I am sooo into Chad Michael Murray right now haha. Just started my One Tree Hill marathon couple of weeks ago. Already finished 2 seasons. I know that this series like so long ago, kira macam dah agak outdated to all of you, but wth I just love this stories ! Especially when Chad Michael Murray is in there ! New turn-on babeehh ! ;)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I need a fake driving license.

Hey. Well, as everyone knows ( mostly my friends, of course ), I still have no driving license. It's just because I don't know how to drive and I have no idea why on earth should we need a driving license to drive? -.- I'm in the state of considering to not getting a license at all. Hmm, actually I already registered for this driving class thingy on January '11. I keep on skipping my class, well the truth is I'm not really 'skipping' the class, I just don't called the driving school to set my date for every class that I have to attend. And so, the teacher who the one, need to call me to confirm with all the dates and stuff. People took all of their class, which sum-up to be about 10 hours, ( isn't it or is it more? okay, I dont really care ) in just less than a month, right? And well, as for me, it took me about 4 months to complete all the classes.

My last JPJ test was on June. Actually, we kinda rushed at the last minute because my registration of college was on July. Hence, everything needed to be settled by June. So yeah, I took the test, and I passed the Jalanraya part, and not the Bukit and Parking part. I screwed on bukit and I couldn't believe it -.- I was doing so well during my class, ( well, I like to think like that to, though the teacher was literally scream her lung out during teaching me. ) I'm not good in driving, seriously. Especially, manual cars. Well I haven't try auto yet, but I think I will do just fine and not as suck as I drive manual, hopefully. ;) I think I don't have balance coordination or whatever we called 'em. Means, my hands and legs like cannot work at the same time haha. It's kinda weird for people who plays sport, right? Ecehhh poyosss.

Oh, and this coming Wednesday, I will be repeating, yes REPEATING my jpj test. Thank god, I need to only repeat the bukit and parking part, though I kinda forgot how to do bukit and parking thingy. But, it still relieved me as I don't have to go through those awkward moments in the car with the JPJ officer again. This tuesday gonna be my last class ( which is the only class I got ) before repeating the test. Please pray that I'll do just fine those two days in the driving school.

Oh, fact about me : I HATE DRIVING SCHOOL. I feel all alienated and lonely everytime I have my classes and I don't know why.

Oh, another fact about me : I SUCK AT DRIVING, BUT I'M GOOD AT SITTING AT THE PASSENGER SEAT. yes, really good that you won't even asked me to drive or take the driver seat *wink* hahaha.

Okay, just pray that I pass the second test ! So that my RM180 ( this is so expensive, since my friends from other states just need to pay Rm30, RM60 and so to repeat their jpj test. Not fair ! ) won't be wasted over The Most Loser Driver Award.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Human with Big Heart.

The one who made me realize about what is Life & Success.
Until a thousand years, always be my inspiration.
My muse. My motivation.
Always will.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday.

Ain't bluffing. MISSION COMPLETED !

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Please, not in a million years.

I'm heavy.
Yes, gaining weight since my 2 weeks study leave before the final exam. and now, it seems like it wont going down again. i need to reduce my weight and look after my own health.

no, i'm not whining over how heavy i am, or my weight has become unreasonably increased like drastically without my conscious. okay okay, maybe a little -.- but hey, a little bit self-conscious wont harm right? and i have the right to feel that way. well, i do feel bad towards my own self because i havent give much attention on what i eat and how many meals per day i consumed and how messed up my meals pattern are. not to forget, all the everyday-i'm-eating-chocolate-to-reduce-stress part where i constantly eat chocolate whenever i'm studying for finals. oh, now lets put all the blame on the final exams ! yeah haha.

okay. nope. i. am. not. blaming. on. anything. else. for. the. reason. that. i'm. gaining. weight. except. for. me.

ceehhh. poyo di situ ya. :D

its all because i'm lack of discipline ! yes, exactly. DISCIPLINE. that's the word.

want some proof?

i'll give you, not one, not two but four solid proofs.

"Ya rite, nadiah. i dont believe that you're going to do it so."

"Hmmm, seems like you're taking it into serious. a good step, i guess."

"HAHA, is it so? okay lah, giving you a chance to indulge yourselves with those ice-cream."

and and TADAAAAA, the "tomorrow-i'm-going-for-jogging " day....

"HAHAHAHAHA i knew it. my instincts were right ! you always like that, cant control yourselves. what a shame. boo youuuuu ! "

okay. that's enough.
I know i'm such a pathetic girl, or lady i might say haha *sempat lagi tu*

okay, from now onwards, i'll try my best to reduce my self-pamper and start to discipline myself so that i become a one healthy normal-weighted girl like before! jyeah ! okay scratch that, it's LADY hahaha. okay stop that, nadiah -___-

alright, i don't wanna make any promise about my exercising session again.




and that is not a promise. just a... well, you know, dream or mission or anything related to 'em. heee

adiossss ! :)

( adiosss? well, adios remains me of my inspiration ! hahaha okay i'll stop now. )

Thursday, November 24, 2011

More than 300 days already.

Year 2011 is coming to an end. A month and a week, and wallahh, it's a new different year. yes, 2012.

What's up with 2012?

And what have I done in the year 2011?
Did I learnt something new this year?
Any changes I have made towards myself?
Did my 2011 resolutions make their moves in the real world?

Oh, and speaking about Resolutions. Well, I need to figure out a new one for my 2012. Hurm, just wait and see. :)

Oh, and I guess, 2012 means open up a new blank book and start scratching a new chapter of it. and I hope, I colour 'em with rainbow and fluorescent instead of just black & white. :)

The Originals

Orang Asli di Taman Negara Kuala Tahan, Pahang.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday.

Hero. Harimau Malaya. Khairul Fahmi.


November '11

Went to Taman Negara Kuala Tahan, Pahang. Had a really fun trip. It was awesome ! :) Meet Orang Asli and had taken lots of photos of them.

For more photos, click my facebook and flickr link on the right side of the blog. Am just too lazy to upload more photos in this entry. K Bye. :)

but but,
I'll upload some photos of Orang Asli in new entry ya !

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Coward much?

Lagu untuk semua dengar malam ni :)

Selamat malam bulan,

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Footprints on the worn-out road

When my body needs some good rest, this is the best place ;
So yeah, like all of you guys out there, i'm also on my semester breakkkkkk ! and yes, that photo is my room in Kolej Kediaman Akasia. decorated 'em a lil bit, love to stick good old memories photos on the wall. give me a huge smile everytime i wake up in the morning. :)

Semester 1 is over.

Semester 2 will come next, InsyaAllah. Nt sure when is the exact date, but January will mark the end of my holidays.

I've learned a lot, and being an observant person as i always am, eceehh macam poyo gila je an, i got to see many things from different views, different perspectives. yang mana, semua benda berlaku dengan cara masing-masing, or I might say, with no rule. bukan no rule, as in langsung takde peraturan and stuff. but no rule as in bergerak dengan sendiri, berputar dengan kemahuan n cara berbeza. kolej buat kita lagi rasa luas pemikiran, pandangan kita berubah dan setiap hari adalah seperti hari yang kita baru jejak kaki di dunia. like a new born baby, different things we seen each and every day. rasa puas kadang-kadang, sebab time kita dalam difficulties or 'forever alone' bak kata Afiqah, kita akan rasa yang kita sebenarnya hidup ! :) baru rasa diri ini manusia haha. baru rasa guna seluruh anugerah yang Allah kasi ni untuk survive every obstacles and circumstances. baru lah, betul-betul hidup, orang kata an.

and for me, sometimes, being alone itu ada juga hebatnya. yelah, kadang-kadang itu lah apa yang buat Nadiahbs ni, Nadiahbs. get it? yelah, when i'm alone, i let myself to swim deep through the world. the real world. and itu yang mould me to whom i am, now. sebab i try to learn and make anything that i see and witness as a guide for me to draw every step of my life. being a loner, is not bad after all. ( am nt saying am a loner haha )

i still got some good friends to hangout and mingle with. cause we are nothing without friends, right? Alhamdulillah, makin lama, kawan makin bertambah. bak kata suarakopihitam, kita perlu buat tiada perbandingan. ya, dan i tried not to compare on how my old friends and my new friends are. there are different, every single of them. because human are born to act and behave differently. so, it'll be just a waste of time if i keep on comparing and complaining about it. :)

and for my studies, hurm, belajar apa yang tak pernah susah? tapi InsyaAllah, i'll try my hardest to excel in this course. baru A-level nadiah, jangan start complain lagi, degree pun tk masuk lagi. 3 semester lagi, keep on going jyeah !

And of all that, i hope my next sem would be great and full of fun. less stress hopefully. ;)

But wait,

And I think I like this one !
Yeah ! HAHAHA.

Enjoy with the new look :)

Header, cracks my head.

Made a new header, but still not satisfy with 'em yet. The header is not permanent, might change 'em back.

Which one you guys prefer? The first one, or the current?

Poke the new look !

So here it goes.

I did some transformation to my page but I might change them to a different new look again anytime, because I don't think the header is nice. I mean, I feel like the picture of me is humongous, and I'm just too shy to publish it like that. it feels, so self-... err whatever, we called it, haha. i dont know the exact word to describe it. And if you haven't notice yet, look at my blog title ! This is my first time changing 'em ( if am nt mistaken ). After three years ! how cool was that? haha.

From Talking is not a JOB to Here's the Storyline, *give a big of applause for that.

And and also the Ear-feed column, which is the song ! Jason Mraz will play on your eardrum everytime this blog appear on your laptop screen. always love the voice of him, very soothing.

Oh, I chose grey colour for the background, just to make my blog look simpler. Or is it too dull that make it looks hideous until you need a barf bag? I really hope not.

Well, anywayyy, You can give me any comment about this new appearance. because, I'm not quite satisfy with it too though. So, lets combine your creative ideas with mind, if you dont mind. *wallahh, it's ryhme. NOT -.-

before I start talking craps at this hour of the night, I better stop right here.
oh, and have a great day tomorrow everyone !

Good night, take care. :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


From my hostel's window.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The big fat D fear.

DIVORCE, of course.


Trend on twitter sekarang adalah ;



kahwin punya lah 10 millions dollar habis, tapi bertahannya?
72 day.


*Tertiba rasa seram nak kahwin LOL #crap

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Twins in INTEC,

People, don't get confused okay?

Hey !
I'm Nadiah BS and she's Liyana ZNL.
We are two different people.
But people always mistake me for her.
People called me Yana,
and called her as Nad.

Do we really look alike? I mean like 'alike alike' as in, exactly the same until it's difficult for people to differentiate us? O.o

People are weird. HAHAHA

*Later I'll post more on this kind of stuff. I mean, there's more and loads of people in this world who look like me. LOL. orang cakap ya, not me. So, wait for my entries on siapa lagi yang people said looks like me.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Si layak tak dilayakkan.

Perasan tak, banyak perkara yang rupa-rupanya nampak benar, sebenarnya tidak?


Okay, begini.

Kita selalu dapat berita, cerita dan khabar dari media dan orang-orang sekeliling kan? Tapi puratanya, kita banyak dengar daripada media jelah kan. Korang tak perasan apa yang tak betul? Kadang-kadang, untuk kepentingan seseorang, satu berita itu akan berputar 360 darjah lain.

Satu cerita yang obviously satu Malaysia dah tahu and even some countries, tapi sebenarnya ada satu rahsia yang terselit disebaliknya. Walaupun benda tu dah berlalu few years ago, but I still do think yang memang tak patut pun untuk benda ni terjadi. I dont want to reveal the true story but, kesian kan bila orang yang tak sepatutnya mendapat apa yang orang sepatutnya dapat. Haha, sengaja je kasi korang berbelit akal sikit.

Okay, kasi klu lah sikit.

Orang yang dibanggakan kini,
bukan orang yang layak dibanggakan.

Orang yang kedua itulah,
yang sepatutnya dibanggakan lebih.

Kerana nama si dibanggakan sudah tertulis pada awalnya,
sukar untuk orang kedua mengambil alih.

Wang lebat tak berani dilepaskan orang besar,
orang dibanggakan dibiarkan terbang mewah,
orang kedua tertinggal menonggeng kesedihan.

pijak ke daratan terus dibanggai,
yang tertinggal kurang dihargai.

I'm the one yang tahu the true story pun, rasa frust and sedih jugak.
It's okay, maybe ada yang lebih hebat untuk anda ya.
Tak kisah lah berapa tahun pun lagi, tapi ada punya chance.

sebab itu lah,

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sleepover at Shima's

Had a great weekend last week ! meet up with my bangsawan clique ! awwww. lama tak lepak-lepak, gossip-gossip, shopping-shopping kan? but since kitorang terlampau engrossed shopping, sampai terlupa nak camwhore haha. so, ini jelah gambarnya. masa kat mall memang dua tiga keping je, yang lain amik kat apartment shima.

thanks iqa n dina because came all over from Kuantan just to hangout with us ! <3

Dinner Angkasawan

Last week, I was invited to Angakasawan dinner to celebrate Sambutan Ulang Tahun ke-4 Program Angkasawan Negara or SUPAN. it's been a long time since i last gather and meet up with the Angkasawan family ! and i was so excited that time.

really had a great time that night. we chatted till 1 am since we havent met each other fr quite some time. had a really nice chat with all of them :))) it was one of the best night ever !

ohh and tomorrow early in the morning, i have Angkasawan event at Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Tun Dr Ismail ( SKTTDI ). need to share some info with the kids about our previous program angkasawan. Kinah and Awang will be there too. but Dr. Faiz, Kak Nat, Kak Bie and Uncle Razak wont be there because they're in Sarawak right now, having Space Camp at Mukah.

will update later about the event in SKTTDI ! see ya ! :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Last week,

A night at Bukit Tinggi Tropicale. such a relaxing place. :)