Hey. 2011 is coming to an end. Another year flew away, hope that's gonna make us into a more mature and useful person for our own selves, families, friends and the world. ecehh.
Two more days before we hit 2012. What have we done throughout the year of 2011. Something beneficial, or just another wasted year?
Well, let see. As for me, it was quite a beneficial one, and great too. though there were still some unwanted sad pathetic things happened to me several times.
Let's do some review on 2011, babeehh ! ( Oh and the pictures I uploaded untuk event yg I tak mention okay? )
January ;
Still in the freedom of SPM mood. Being a couch potato most of the times. And I love every bitsof 'em. my mind and body were a complete wasted that time, but wth there's nothing to do since high school is over, so yeah couch potato I was. Oh, I turned 18 on January 16th. Yes, saya "kaklong" untuk anda-anda semua. eceehh haha. Oh time ni, my "boyfriend" got accepted to Universiti Teknologi Petronas for early intake. Yelah, orang hebat kan, guna result trial. Eh?Tapi kenapa ada tanda ---> "boyfriend". tungguuuuu.
And I went for Final Program Cabaran Angkasawan ! I was one of the finalist. Woot woot ! Heee. And that was pretty much a good start for a new year, isn't it? Kenangan hebat-hebat belaka sepanjang program tu. Walaupun semua finalist beza umur pun banyak juga ( the youngest was 17 and the oldest was 34 if I'm nt mistaken ). Best gila. I was so inspired and motivated. Oh, and Dr. Faiz Khaleed is a great man. Tak sangka he is so friendly ! He was with us all the time during the program. The prize was a trip to Starcity Moscow, Russia but I didnt win it. Tapi takpe, dah dapat masuk pun dah happy gila kot ! :)
From KL to Langkawi

My new family ! YAM - Yayasan Angkasawan Malaysia
February ;
A happy ending of January 2011, but I could say ( at that time lah kan ) A sad starting of February 2011 ( Okay, lebih kepada emo actually LOL ). Sebaaabbbbbb, I broke up on February 9th. So, sebab tu lah, kat review January tu, ada tanda "boyfriend" tu haha. Sebab apparently, now EX sudah. That time memang emo lah kan ( well who dont when they break up? ) tapi I moved on. Sekarang hati, jiwa, badan, segalanya SIHAT WALAFIAT ! Alhamdulillah.
Rasanya itu je kot yang I ingat for February haha. Oh oh, I think I started working with my dad on this month. :)
February ni to me, lebih kepada 'Moving On Phase' lah. Eceehh.
March ;
I tak ingat lah what happened on this month. Hmmm.
Eh wait !!
SPM RESULT lah weyy ! :D
Alhamdulillah, I got 9A's. Never expected that. Most of my teachers pun terkejut kot. Yelah I was such a lazy ass and ALWAYS sleep in the class. Not to mention all the BIG RED F on most of my core subject. Sumpah happy gila time tu sebab I ni kiranya bukan lah dalam golongan "target straight A's". Serious. Tapi Alhamdulillah again and always. All my efforts paid off. Nasib baik I got 16% for my add math on April test ( Oppss, secret revealed. :| ), kalau tak, memang takdenya lah nak sedar diri, wake up call bagai.
Jom Heboh concert at Terengganu with basketball players.
Basketball reunion
April ;
Time terpalsung-busy-gilsangam lah kan for high school leavers. Yelah, time ni lah semua dok sebok nak apply itu ini. My mom was the busiest of all kot haha. Suruh I apply for all sorts of scholarship. Name it, JPA, Petronas, Khazanah, TNB, Yayasan Pahang terengganu semua lah haha. Okay, nak apply pun berdebar gila okay. Sebab for JPA and Mara tu, have to choose either one. ONE only. So, resah gelisah lah. sebab ramai suruh apply for Mara. Tapi I takut sebab usually Mara akan lebihkan tu budak MRSM kan. Lepas istikarah ( which I hoped I dream about which scholar I click on the website ) tapi tak dapat petunjuk through mimpi. Maybe Allah kasi petunjuk ikut berat hati ke mana, or whatever we called it, So, hati ku ini berat ke JPA ! :D Applied lah for JPA
The best night ever - Sleepover with 54Fs at MS Garden Hotel. Husna's dad treat ! Sebab semua54F got straight A's. Alhamdulillah ;)

Penyampaian hadiah SPM at SESTER
Penyampaian Hadiah Yayasan Terengganu
Iqa and I went to KL. met up bangsawans and the boys.
May ;
Berdebar pulak tunggu result for every scholarship yang di-applied. Alhamdulillah, once again, I got offered for interview by JPA, Yayasan Terengganu, Yayasan Pahang, Petronas ( for UTP intake ) and tk ingat lah apa lagi, ke takde dah. *shrug* Semua pergi kecuali yang untuk course selain Medic haha. Memang dah tau tak nak pun engineering, tapi my mom still suruh apply -.-so apply jelah, tapi tak pergi pun interview. Hati tak memilih pyhsics sangat. heee.
Husna's coming to town ! Great moments with the 54Fs ;)
Beach time, with my girlss. heee
Shima's coming to town ! Bangsawans hangout.
June ;
Tak ingat apa jadi pada June. Sorry. Oh pasal result interview pun not sure whether got on Mayor June. Just assumed June sebab I have nothing to write in this column. Alhamdulillah, God Al Mighty, dapat semua interview yang I attended. JPA to India, Yayasan Pahang to Mesir and Yayasan Terengganu to Russia.
Okay. Memang 2 3 bulan penat jantung berdebar, sakit otak mengerah keputusan. I was in dilemma. Yelah tk tau nak pilih mana. Mesir and Russia kena preparation 3 bulan je and off to the destination, and India pulak 2 freaking long years of preparation and baru fly ke India. Memang nyum nyum lah kan Mesir and Russia sebab cepat fly. Tapi after considering all aspects and dengar few nasihats from orangsss, doctorsss, friendsss. India it is ! :DD

Went to Australia for 2 weeks ! ( Brisbane & Gold Coast )
July ;
Registered for college, INTEC. Doing my 2 years A-level there. Orientation was fun. INPRO was super fun. My bestfriend, Husna was in the same college too ! Took MEPS, going to Jordan. Memang kalau ada masa je, mesti lepak dengan dia.
Participated in Basketball match - INPRO ( 2nd place ! )
INPRO closing ceremony - A-Level won !
Participated in Frisbee - INPRO ( 2nd place jugak )
The day I showed to Husna my so-called crush haha. - Food Festival.
August ;
I started to feel the stress burying me deep down the ground sebab they ( the people in the college ) are all genius to the max! And untuk I yang so-so ini, terasa sangat rendah darjatnya. Serious :( Dengan sedihnya, Ogos adalah bulan terakhir kami together-gether di INTEC. She off to Jordan few days after Aidliftri. How sad. Tapi rasa sangat bermakna lah sebab time or detik-detik terakhir bersama ( eceh so lovey dover cheesy meesy ) banyak benda lah kitorang spent masa together. ( okay tk faham dh ayat -.- ) yelah, kami pergi berjalan mencari baju raya together, men-visit ex-boyfriendnya di hospital together, bukak puasa together, and banyak lah together-nya :D Miss you anak Gapor ! <3
Break-fasting with my bestie and her MEPS friends.

Break-fasting with ze classmates !
Break-fasting with ze ex-Sesterians
Our happened-to-be Annual Sleepover at Tiya's ! ;)
September ;
College jelah, apa lagi. Oh time ini memang saya berdikari sekali lah ! Sebab I was quite alone at that time. Kat INTEC memang lah ada classmates nak pergi lunch library apa semua. tapi kat Akasia not really. Especially weekend. Memang I tapau makanan makan dalam bilik sorang2 jelah selalu haha. foreveralone as what Afiqah usually said. Tapi nasib lah ada rakan SMART ku sekalian. Terubat sikit ke-sunyian di hati. ecehh.
October ;
Kurang dah detik-detik foreveralone haha. Rakan SMART sentiasa di sisi. ;)
Oh time ni dah stressed out pasal carry marks rendah lah apa lah. And final pun dah dekat ! Routine harian ---> Siang : Pegi INTEC for classes. Malam : Pegi studyroom for absorbing-facts-and-brain-tortured sessions HAHA
Wall climbing at Extreme Park Seksyen 13 with the Akasias and Cemaras.
Malam Sayembara. Tapi kami buat persembahan atas jalan je haha.
Malam Ko-PLN. Hebat kembar Syaza menyanyi. Suara buat I cair haha.
Lawatan Ko-PLN to UiTM puncak alam
Crazy moments with classmates !
November ;
Final exams. Finish. I lepokzzz je memanjang. Issue report? HAHA sebulan lagi ada. Chillex bro !
Rasa macam baru habis SPM pun ada time ni. Heaven, I tell you.
December ;
I iz so into One Tree Hill. I iz watching every night. I haz no life hahahaha.
Issue report? Oh ya. Seminggu lagi nak register baru gatal nak buat. Yes, and now still working on it. Naiss =='
Sorry entry ni terlalu panjang, beyong my expectation. Ingat nak tulis sikit-sikit sahaja. Tapi mana nak cram 365 hari dengan 1 entri yang pendek kan? Waahh bila post entri ni baru perasan that my 2011 is SUPER DUPER FUN !
2011 saya penuh suka duka, gelak tawa, sedih hiba. But that what makes me more stronger than before.
So, how about you? Apa 2011 dah buat pada diri anda?