ohh babeehhhhhh
*dancing on the bed*
Friday, May 29, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
telekung, boleh?
okay. this is ultimately unbealivable. ada ke patut i kene tahan after morning rocall tadi sebab pengawas kata tudung singkat?! i dont know how big should my tudung be to satisfy them. oh emm gee, tudung ku singkat? apekah ini? excuse you. ini bukan sekolah agama, hello. nak buat peraturan sendiri pulak. kalau tudng i memang singkat tu, tak kesah la kene tegur. tapi ni, astaga biase je ok. even my friend yg dulu sekolah agama pon terkejut yg kiteorg kene tahan. btw, dina pon kene tahan sekali. and the worst part is they asked us to buy tudung labuh from seniors. ngek ngok giler kan? kalau nak ikutkan, ramai lagi yg pakai tudung sama saiz ngan kitorang, tp kitorang je yg selalu kena aim ngan pengawas. huh.
mmg geram gilerla and kitorg plan utk perli diorang ngan pinjam tudung labuh budak yg sekolah agama tu and pakai. biar dorang tau. HAHA
btw, tudung yang dorang kate singkat tu is the same tudung i wore at smart. so, singkat ke?
mission accomplished ;)
believe it or not? BELIEVE IT

we rocked the "tudung labuh" HAHA

tp kitorg pakai sehari jelah.
offline blog,
mmg geram gilerla and kitorg plan utk perli diorang ngan pinjam tudung labuh budak yg sekolah agama tu and pakai. biar dorang tau. HAHA
btw, tudung yang dorang kate singkat tu is the same tudung i wore at smart. so, singkat ke?
mission accomplished ;)
believe it or not? BELIEVE IT
we rocked the "tudung labuh" HAHA
tp kitorg pakai sehari jelah.
offline blog,
Saturday, May 2, 2009
i'm sick
i dont know why ut i really really not in the mood right now. i just feel like i need to be alone. and yes. i am. i run from the crowd and stay alone in the class right in this very time. it's weekend. all student are at the hostel or cc. being alone while listening to the mp3 at its maximum volume is the best thing i could do now. i just dont feel like talking to anyone. yes, i guess i have some emotion disorder. nowadays, i always feel sad without any reason. creepy isnt it?
i miss kuantan.
offline blog,
i miss kuantan.
offline blog,
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