so, siang tadi bosangggg sangat sangat. maka, i pun search lah kat any movie yang seronok untuk dilihat. ingat ke nak tengok cerita hantu, yang Roommate tu, malangnya sudah di remove -.-
cari punya cari, jumpa lah cerita ni. tak heavy sangat. nak kata best, takdelah best sangat. okay okay jelah. n tak sangka pulak yang Triple H pandai berlakon movie.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
syeera sanders
guys, korang pernah dengar tak perempuan bernama syeera sanders? dia ni salah satu lah top kat youtube. kalau korang tak pernah dengar, memang rugi lah. dia ni awesome lah jugak. pandai gila kot reka lagu sendiri. banyak lah jugak lagu yang dia tulis sendiri. and kat bawah ni, her songs. suara dia best jugak. sempoi je. u guys should check out her channel on youtube. :) click here yo !
Sunday, March 27, 2011
entri 5 minit
baiklah. dah tersangat ngantuk ni. tapi nak juga cakap something yang saya baru perasan tadi.
korang perasan tak betapa sopan dan penuh tertib nya kita sebenarnya? i mean, secara tak sedar, kita sebenarnya sedang hormat menghormati antara satu sama lain?
nak tau kenapa tetiba saya cakap macam ni?
sebab tadi, saya chatting ngan kawan n tetibe bila dah ngantuk and nak off, saya bitau dia.
and kami pun saling berkata 'bye' and 'good night'.
maka nya, dari situ tiba-tiba saya terperasan something magical. haha. magical lah sangat kan?
cuma tadi rasa macam wow kejap sebab tak sangka yang kita sebenarnya sedang mengamalkan kesopanan kan? haha
yelahh cuba bayangkan kalau kita tak beradab. mestilah kita ngantuk or rasa nak off je kita akan terus off dan tinggalkan kawan kita itu terkapai-kapai blur. kan kan? namun kita bukan begitu. kita selalunya akan cakap dan bitau seprti ini,
"wey, oklah. aku nak off dulu. good night. bye."
tak kesah lah lelaki ke perempuan ke. memang pasti ada kan begitu?
tetiba rasa terharu je dengan manusia sekalian. touching touching lah pulekk. haha
ok then,
baiklah. mahu tidur sudah.
bye, good night. :)
will be back
maaf, kekurangan update blog kebelakangan ini. tengah busy apply for scholarships yang dateline dia 2 3 hari lagi. so, pemerahan otak berlaku lagi. ya, memang sangat susah kot nak apply for universities ni.
and nak apply scholar MARA or JPA pun macam pecah kepala dah.
tapi orang kata, kalau ada rezeki tu, apply mana-mana pun InsyaAllah boleh dapat kan kan?
so, mari click, submit dan bertawakal :)
Friday, March 25, 2011
rasional sikit, boleh?
apa dah jadi? dunia memang dah nak terbalik ke? atau manusia je yang makin gila?
jangan buat benda bodoh macam ni. melalui berita, mangsa baru lepas bergaduh dengan boyfriendnya. jadi? engkau sorang je yang pernah bergaduh dengan boyfriend? kalau semua orang pun fikiran dan perangai macam ni. selang satu jam, mesti ada je kes-kes bunuh diri macam ni. makin tercalarlah imej Islam.
fikir lah secara rasional. ingat Tuhan. itu yang terpenting.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
i'll mark 23rd march 2011 on my life's calendar.
some tears rolled on my cheeks as we're waiting for the teachers to ask us to enter the hall for the spm results announcement. no, at that time, i have no idea of what i'm gonna get. i cried just because i was too nervous. yes, i started to feel more nervous and shaking when people said that only 36 of the students got straight A's. and at that point, i immediately hugged my friend and couldn't hold my tears. it just that i felt that the number 36 is too little for 113 of us. it felt like my hope just slipped and fell into pieces. i thought that our school gonna achieved around 50 students for straight A's. i felt stupid for crying since there's nothing we can actually do if we screwed. but then, i tried to calm. and entered the hall without thinking craps.
as we sat waiting for the principal to give some words of wisdom and announced the school's GPS, i cried for the second time for that day haha. i don'n know why. but it seemed like i couldn't control my emotion =.=
and then, Cikgu Fauzi said ;
"okay. sekarang ni masa untuk kamu semua tahu keputusan masing-masing. beratur ikut kelas masing-masing. yang mana takde slip result pada guru kelas tu, maknanya ada pada cikgu jamil dan yang tu lah yang dapat 9A."
all my friends quickly get off from their seats and rushed to the front anxiously hoping that their results were not in their class teachers' hands. but me, i turned back and went to my parents and said that i don't wanna go and take the result. i dont wanna queue. and for the third time for that day, i cried. again. haha. i know, i know. what the hell is wrong with me?! -_______- my mom felt sympathy and i saw tears already filled her eyes.
and then, suddenly ;
"Nadiah.......Nadiah Baharum Shah."
and i was freaking shocked! my mom was like, "eh adik! adik !"
i swept my tears away and came out front to received my result slip from the principal. they asked my parents to came in front too to take some photos.
and that time the only word that i can said is Alhamdullilah.
only God knows how i felt that moments. that was really satisfying. all the hard work, the midnight studies really paid off. the tears of depressing when failing some subjects and low self-esteem when seeing others from first class achieved many A's in all examinations slightly gave some kind of motivation and spirit to myself to stand the same level as them. and Alhamdulillah, i get what i'm hoping for.
and i hope that the success that given by Allah won't stop until here. i'm longing for a lot more in future and i hope that i will try my very best to achieve my dreams and further studies in the course that i want.
once we failed, doesn't mean we'll failed forever. and once we're succeed, doesn't mean we'll succeed forever.
hence, i'll try to always be humble all the time and hoped that the fortunes i got wouldn't make me boast, InsyaAllah.
p/s : pray for my success in the future. :)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
it's exactly 24 hours before the announcement
i'm going to Kuala Terengganu this evening. and as the world knows, tomorrow is the freaking day for all the SPM 2010-leavers to freak out because tomorrow the freaking SPM RESULT WILL BE ANNOUNCED ! and yes, like others, i'm quite nervous and couldnt take my mind off from thinking those ridiculous result that i might get. i mean, am i gonna be excellent or just so-so. haiyaa.
so pray for the best of me. and wish me a very good luck so that tomorrow, march 23rd 2011 gonna be the best damn day ever in my life. perhaps.
till then.
p/s : i can guarantee nothing whether i'm gonna post an entry on my SPM result or not. just wait and see. :|
Monday, March 21, 2011
no more.
okay. since ramai yang kecut perut dan terbeliak mata bila tengok picture profile blogger ni, so saya dah tukar ! yeahhh. so, korang boleh lah buka blog ini dengan tenang :)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
she's Maria Aragon
this girl is beyond amazing. more than 22 millions people all over the world have already watched her video. how awesome is that? my god. and she's only 10 years old ! *salute* rumors said that even lady gaga had watch it and really amazed. lady gaga asked for this girl to duet with her in an event. but i have no idea if its really true.
see life in different ways.
i took this from my childhood bestfriend's blog. she told that all these quotes will always brighten her days whenever she feels down.
so, i would like to share 'em with you guys too. :) ( i copied from her latest entry. thanks, anna! )
1. Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.
2. Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
3. Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget.
4. You can only go as far as you push.
5. Action speaks louder than word.
6. The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.
7. Don't let the past hold you back; you're missing the good stuffs.
8. Life is short. If you don't look around once in awhile, you might miss it.
9. A best friend is like a four leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have.
10. If you think that the world means nothing, think again. You might mean the world to someone else.
11. When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best firends will be there.
12. True friendship never ends
13. Good friends are like stars... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
14. Don't frown. You ever know who is falling in love with your smile.
15. Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them (isn't that the truth?)
16. Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then, it's not the end.
17. Most people walk in and out of your life. But dear ones leave footprints in your heart.
2. Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you.
3. Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget.
4. You can only go as far as you push.
5. Action speaks louder than word.
6. The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love somebody else.
7. Don't let the past hold you back; you're missing the good stuffs.
8. Life is short. If you don't look around once in awhile, you might miss it.
9. A best friend is like a four leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have.
10. If you think that the world means nothing, think again. You might mean the world to someone else.
11. When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best firends will be there.
12. True friendship never ends
13. Good friends are like stars... You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.
14. Don't frown. You ever know who is falling in love with your smile.
15. Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them (isn't that the truth?)
16. Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then, it's not the end.
17. Most people walk in and out of your life. But dear ones leave footprints in your heart.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
scratch that B
i just dreamt about the SPM result. ughhh. who on earth want their sleep to be distracted by that kinda dreams?
and guess what the result IN MY DREAM last night ;
8A 1B
and i got B for biology.
gila lah. berdebar dah. -.-
Friday, March 11, 2011
slow shutter speed.
maka, malam tadi setelah berblog walking di satu blog untuk newbies dalam photography, saya pun telah membuat beberapa experiment. mula-mula, nak warm up tu, gambar tak jadi sangat. kemudian, beransur hebat. harhar. riak nampak? hebat lah sangat kan. padahal biasa je =.=

yang terakhir tu macam makhluk asing yang baru turun ke Bumi kan? sila lah angguk, wahai penduduk Bumi. *keningkening*
MARS is Mr. Tissue and who is he?
i tadi geledah my purse, nak kemas-kemas and buang bende tak terpakai macam resit shopping yang menebalkan purse, then terjumpa cebisan kertas.
maka terflashback lah tentang itu. when i'm bored during class, i akan conteng meja lahh, and kalau pergi bilik kuliah, dinding adelah my fave place to doodle and left some of my masterpieces haha. makanya, saya pun telah menulis ini di salah satu dinding di salah satu bilik kuliah ;
Because everyone feel heartache,
And everyone fell pain,
But only those who have true courage,
Can get up and try again
By Nadbs
then, tetibe the next day ke few days lepas tu, ada lah makhluk Allah ni kasi saya kertas ni. and that guy tulis ;
Coz everyone has problems,
And had to have hectic day,
But the way it happen was,
A short chapter in a great journey
Reply by : MARS
and saya rasa happy gila bila baca because i love it when i bermonolog dalaman secara terbuka, and tengok ada orang give responses to 'em. thanks MARS :)
oh btw, sebenarnya kan kalau korang round-round sekolah kan, mesti ada punya kat mana-mana dinding, i ada conteng something haha. and my fave place adelah satu tempat yang terpencil di area belakang blok sekolah yang jarang orang pergi. kadang-kadang saya ada tampal kertas lukisan pelik saya ke anything lah kat situ, tapi it seems like ade lah sebilangan orang yang dah tau tempat tu because saya suka lukis mata. and selalunya saya lukis satu je mata instead of two. sebab kalau saya lukis dua mata mesti sebelah tu macam cacat sikit, and mana-mana je saya lukis mata, mesti akan ada orang koyakkan or tulis kat situ, 'iluminati' =.= hey, saya still berpegang pada ajaran yang benar okay. haih.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
five stars
yesterday i watched Little Black Book. it was just an okay movie. no special thing.
but today, i just finished watching Charlie St. Cloud. and it was fantastic. seriously. you guys should really watched it. i mean, you HAVE TO. i dont want to elaborate much about this movie cause i just want u guys to watch it so badly. i mean, you wont regret, i swear.

yes, zac efrom starring in this movie. this hottie completes the story even more. harhar
and husna,
saya gilterpalsung rasa, awak akan suka movie. perlu tengok. sangat. :D
and here's the link ! ;
sky cries today.
raining pouring outside. it somehow reminds me of the old time i had with my friends back in high school. the time where we felt all upset and stressed-out over study matter and stuff, we really wish for rain to fall. hurm, i dont know about others, but for me, i always wished for it. rain is something that somehow give me the kind of feeling of pleasure and do relieve my intense and also swipe away all the sad feelings.
rain makes me rewind and flashback all the joy and happiness that i've been through and also give me time for me to actually think back about all the regret and mistakes i made. it like give us some space to learn to get to know ourselves by staying still and enjoying the smell, the sound of pouring water and every droplets that fall from the sky will definitely awe me. yes, every drop of it awe me because it so crystal clear and a single drop will end up like a pool of water once it hits the floor. i somehow found it very amusing, and i have no idea why. i just like the feel of feelings that i felt during raining haha am i writing it correct? it sounds wrong. naahh, it's okay. who cares.
oh and i remembered once Tiya and i were too bored of studying during midnight and we decided to go outside playing in the rain. oh and actually we thinking of playing in the rain just to make us sick and have fever. how silly is that? haha. and yes, it was 2 o'clock in the morning, and without hesitate, we opened the door with a stupid grin on the face and ran downstairs to the dataran aspuri. and thats when it happened. the feel of joy. yes, we jumped on the dataran's table, splashing water to each other, dancing like nobody cares and enjoying every bits of it. oh i missed those moments. it just both of us, in a dim light. cause everyone was sleeping soundly in their rooms. we even snap some photos but i cant publish it here haha.
oh as we wanted so badly to have fever, we entered my room and just slept without changing our wet clothes. haha. yes, we forced ourselves to sleep with shivering due to the wet clothes. then, in the morning, we were very upset when our mission didnt achieved cause we're just plain healthy. yes, no sign of flu and fever. we just fine like always. that's reallt frustrating that time haha. yes, i know. we were silly those days. and who knows, god fulfilled our dream. Tiya fell sick a week after that. but it was too bad. the fever was making Tiya felt so discomfort. and once, when i was asleep, i heard someone's cry, it was tiya. she was feeling very sick. since i was also involved in making her sick, i stay awake to care for her and help her if she needs anything. then, after few days, she recover and we just laughing after think back whats happened. hahaha. i swear it was a stupid thought. haha. who ever want it to have fever that bad after all?
oh, i love rain :)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
i'm thinking of making a total make-over for my blog.
changing all the header, layouts etc etc.
Monday, March 7, 2011
just finished watching that movie. it was damn awesome. gila hebat lah cave diving. but it was quite sad because at the end, Frank is dead. haih. and the last man standing is of course, the muscular hottie, Josh. :D
i think you guys should give it a try. to me, the movie is pure awesomeness, but to whom yang not into this kind of genre, will probably think that this movie is zero awesomeness and boring.
i watched it online at but the quality for this movie is quite low. contrast with others that i've watched before in this website.
so, have fun watching !
start your engine.
harhar, sila gelak sekarang. ya, saya tau. orang lain dah sibuk-sibuk, happy-happy, meloncat-loncat dah dapat lesen P, saya baru je nak hebahkan pasal ujian statik. haha. just sat for the test this morning ! *winkwink* ya, setelah hampir 2 bulan dengar ceramah KPP itu, barulah ada hajat untuk saya mengambil ujian statik ini haha.

and i got 49/50. tolonglah kata hebat HAHA.
49/50 within 8 min 57 sec

dah dah. over dah tu, nadiahbs. tengok lah camne nanti kau drive, tunggang langgang nanti baru padan muka.
harhar :D
Thursday, March 3, 2011
woot woot
today i watched Ramona & Beezus. okay lah this movie, not bad. its a family movie. watch the trailer below if you wanna know a bit about the movie.
oh, and here's the link if you guys wanna watch it. click here, readers :)
have fun watching !
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
saya rehatkan kejap blog suarakopihitam. dan kini, blog tu dah boleh anda access. sekarang, dah kembali PUBLIC :)
maaf atas segala kesulitan yang berlaku ya, masyarakat. anda dialu-alukan semula untuk membaca segala bagai dalam blog tu. tapi sebelum anda mahu memulakan bacaan, sila luas-luaskan dahulu pemikiran agar perkara yang berlaku harap tak berulang. aku cakap apa yang aku rasa perlu. harap faham.
so, have fun reading ya. will update lots later on :)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
1st of march

happy birthday oh si kembar tak se-cell haha. sangat amazing rasa oh to get to know both of you. welcome to the club, yo ! we're 18 now. :)
hey. thanks lah segala benda yang awak pernah buat untuk saya ke apa ke. and hope this year akan menjadi tahun terhebat untuk awak ek. hope all of us will get straight A's for spm. jangan lah pandang rendah pada diri awak okay. you have something better yang maybe orang lain tak nampak lagi. and janganlah pulak sedih ke ape ke and n ak cari sangat boyfriend tu haha. kalau ada boyfriend pun tapi sekerat jalan je buat ape kan. haha. like you said, bestfriend sentiasa ada, tapi boyfriend sekerat jalan je haha. so, jangan risau. apa-apa pun, awak tetap ada kami, penduduk flat bangsawan haha. rindu ohh nak kecoh kat flat macam orang gila. haha.
may allah bless u always.
and to
hey. had lots of fun sepanjang kita kawan. all the drama thingy sangat hebat ohh. honestly, apa yang kitorang selalu kagum pasal awak kan adalah semangat awak tu. you always have the spirit and passion to do anything that you have to do. we always see you as a bold, high-spirit boy. or a MAN, i should say now haha. keep up the good thing that inside you.
may allah bless you too, friend :)

and for you cinta, happy birthday ! being 17, sumpah full of dramas to me. i mean, my 17 lah. i hope that yours would be less drama and please, do focus on your studies. jangan cry over small matter. tolong kuat ek, sayang. just call me whenever you want. yelah, sekarang i nak contact u pun susah. takkan lah nak call KP pulak, suruh pass phone kat shera. haha. dont care what others say about you. you the one who really know who you are. like i always said, you the one who hold the brush, so its your own choice whether to paint it black and white or fluorescent colour. jangan biarkan mereka yang jejaskan your painting. your painting means, your life. screw them and just watch from distance how far and how long mereka akan buang tenaga messing up with your life. gelak je dari jauh tengok dorang tu haha. diorang yang bazir masa, not you.
good luck in spm.
xoxo, i love you.
but not in lesbian way HAHA :)
Day 1 : Kuala Terengganu
i'm home. yes, after five days away. so, in this very entry, i'm gonna post about my first day in kuala terengganu.
i should called this trip as BASKETBALL GATHERING & CUTI-CUTI TERENGGANU. haha.
i swear it was the best trip i ever had in Terengganu ever since, forever kot.harhar. i never know that it would be this fun. i mean, there's lots of fun things to do actually in terengganu.
after about five freaking hours in bus, i arrived at the bus terminal at about 6.35 pm. it was super jammed and the roads were packed with gazillion of cars. yes, it was because of Jom Heboh. since it was the first time TV3 held it in Terengganu. so, i guess almost all terengganu citizens were super duper excited to go there. thats explained why the traffic was jam like hurm, hell. haha. *erk? does hell jams? harhar -.-*
then, once i got off the bus, jian was already there waving excitedly at me haha. she was with her mum waiting to fetch me. sleepover at jian's that night. all we did that night was just watching movies. piranha & prom night. both are horror movies. then, we wanted to watch mean girls 2 but it was way too boring for us to bare. so, we didnt finish that movie. i guess, not even quarter pun. oh, and i swear i wont ever watch piranha ever again =.= that movie is way too much for me. i'm innocent okay. hahaha.
then, we went off to bed.
p/s : nothing much on first day. no photos. we didnt took one. apesal ek? haish. lupa seyh.
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