happy birthday oh si kembar tak se-cell haha. sangat amazing rasa oh to get to know both of you. welcome to the club, yo ! we're 18 now. :)
hey. thanks lah segala benda yang awak pernah buat untuk saya ke apa ke. and hope this year akan menjadi tahun terhebat untuk awak ek. hope all of us will get straight A's for spm. jangan lah pandang rendah pada diri awak okay. you have something better yang maybe orang lain tak nampak lagi. and janganlah pulak sedih ke ape ke and n ak cari sangat boyfriend tu haha. kalau ada boyfriend pun tapi sekerat jalan je buat ape kan. haha. like you said, bestfriend sentiasa ada, tapi boyfriend sekerat jalan je haha. so, jangan risau. apa-apa pun, awak tetap ada kami, penduduk flat bangsawan haha. rindu ohh nak kecoh kat flat macam orang gila. haha.
may allah bless u always.
and to
hey. had lots of fun sepanjang kita kawan. all the drama thingy sangat hebat ohh. honestly, apa yang kitorang selalu kagum pasal awak kan adalah semangat awak tu. you always have the spirit and passion to do anything that you have to do. we always see you as a bold, high-spirit boy. or a MAN, i should say now haha. keep up the good thing that inside you.
may allah bless you too, friend :)

and for you cinta, happy birthday ! being 17, sumpah full of dramas to me. i mean, my 17 lah. i hope that yours would be less drama and please, do focus on your studies. jangan cry over small matter. tolong kuat ek, sayang. just call me whenever you want. yelah, sekarang i nak contact u pun susah. takkan lah nak call KP pulak, suruh pass phone kat shera. haha. dont care what others say about you. you the one who really know who you are. like i always said, you the one who hold the brush, so its your own choice whether to paint it black and white or fluorescent colour. jangan biarkan mereka yang jejaskan your painting. your painting means, your life. screw them and just watch from distance how far and how long mereka akan buang tenaga messing up with your life. gelak je dari jauh tengok dorang tu haha. diorang yang bazir masa, not you.
good luck in spm.
xoxo, i love you.
but not in lesbian way HAHA :)
thanks a lot nad ! :)
terharu ! :')
btw, sye tak fikir da about having a bf or what. haha.
mmg bf skerat jalan kn? haha. hope kite smua dpt straight A's ! :)
haha cehh terharu lah sgt.
ohh good for u. tak yah fikir2 dah.
amin :)
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