suprise suprise. i have less than 2 weeks before spm. and what freaked me out right now is I HAVENT WELL PREPARED YET AND STILL GOT TOPICS THAT I HAVENT STUDY YET. when most of the people are already prepared and just waiting to write down all the facts in their brain to the spm's papers but me, myself still struggling to finish the whole book of biology, sejarah yadda yadda. haish. how great life is if i studied earlier.
today was a little bit sad and gloomy because all the form 4s went home already. i'm very close to this one girl and was very sad to say goodbye to her. i have no idea how we become close but we are very close out of sudden. we shared secrets and gossips and stuff. it was really good to have such a fun and close junior ;)

shera, i'm so gonna miss u ;(
call me if u datang kuantan!