Saturday, November 17, 2012

Luckily. I haven't burnt the kitchen. Yet. Hahaha

Semester break started and since I got plenty of free time to be spend, I chose to learn to cook and bake ! Yeeehaaaa. Well, I'm not really a good cook, and this is my first time I'm being serious in learning how to cook, I guess it just the right time to know ( at least, couple of recipes ) how to fill up my tummy with my own cook. So, here's some pictures of what I've learnt so far. Thanks to the internet, I managed to google-d lots of good recipes. Heeeee ;)

Pardon the look of the food. It taste better than it looked. Hahahaha *perasan*

Oreo cheesecake. 
Glad that Iqa and Dina loved it. Well, I love it too, since cheesecake is my fave !

Puding Karamel.
Bahahahhaha. This one really look uglayyy. I guess, I'm not really good in making my food looks attractive for people to eat, isn't it. 

Stuffed tomatoes, with mozarella cheese.
Just made this one for lunch today ! Cheese cheese cheese and more cheese. 

Well, basically I love to cook anything related to cheese, because I'm just simply a cheese-freak, I guess. lololol. Will try to learn more recipes ! And hopefully, my food look and taste better next time. ;) 

Chef Nadiahbs.

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