ok, it just 7.40 in the morning and yes, i'm awake. i know its early. thanks to the plan that have been changed just now. i'm supposed to hangout with my friends at the mall today, but not now lah. mall bkk lambat lg kan. and my plan is like this, ikut abah pergi kerja, pastu suruh tinggal kat office dia cause die ade hal hari ni. and bile pas zohor (yes, pas zohor br gi mall ) baru i jalan kaki pegi mall because office abah dekat je ngan megamall.
then, dgn bersemangatnya, i pun wake up and went to shower. dah siap-siap ni pastu abah tanya, pukul brape janji ngan kawan. and i said pas zohor. then abah kata, laa pas zohor abah amik lah kat rumah mase nak hantar aca kat rumah ( aca-real name, natasha- is my lil sis-sekolah lg hari ni, kafa )
and i was like, lerr buang tenaga je bgn awal-awal. igt ke abah busy hari ni. and now i'm blogging to spend my morning time beneficially. HAHA.
so NOT. i nak sambung tidur balik. dah lah smlm tidur pukul 3 lebih. ok i'm better off now. hope mimpi AA lagi.
haha. eh 54F, hari tu sy mimpi AA ! haha, gemgilsaam ! pastu tak pasal-pasal diddy pun ada dlm mimpi tu. dia geng skali ngan AA. haha. seronok betul ! agagagag Bahahahaaa
AA tue siapakah???
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