Monday, November 24, 2008

there goes all the dusts and rubbish

at last, my room yang selerak gile nak mampos , kemas jugak ! ok bkn completely kemas lah, tapi tk selerak lah. haha. now surely it looks like a room than before which seems like tempat pelupusan sampah or worst? haha. just me n my family know how my room look like before. haha. afiqah pon penah tegur dulu, bilik selerak mase webcamming (haha, ade ke word ni?). so now, baru lah boleh ajak kawan2 sleepover kat rumah. ;)

no more clothes, bags, tissues etc etc on the floor, it's CLEAN && CLEAR. haha. bagos nadiah bagos. good job ! me love u even more. haha *mereng

hope that my room will keep clean and tidy for at least a week. selalu je kemas, then after 2 or 3 days, selerak balik. hehe.

*memalukan diri betul tulis pasal ni. tak pelah, sayang pulak nak delete. post jelah.

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