Friday, February 25, 2011

today ;

i'm going to kuala terengganu in few hours from now. taking the bus alone is such a bummer and i hope there's no one sit next to me. because i dont like the feel of awkward. if so, please make it be a girl.

oh and i'm going there for a basketball gathering on sunday. our coach, Lee was like dying to see us harhar. *exaggerate* we'll probably meet up at pantai batu buruk.

oh and tonight i'm gonna sleepover at Jian's ! yeahh :)

oh and the night after that, we're probably staying at any hotel in Kuala Terengganu. havent find one yet. actually, we had already found one, but havent book it yet.

oh and that's all i guess. gonna updated about it later !

oh and pray me for a safe ride, will ya?

Thursday, February 24, 2011


my suarakopihitam blog is restricted for me only. just for the time being.
to settle down a bit on some conflicts that happened. no worries, i'm okay.

will let you guys know when i switch to 'PUBLIC' back. :)

saman dan si biadap.

i was a bit not in the mood early this morning. i have no idea why. but i just dont feel like talking to anyone. my dad talked to me and i just keep silence. but i'm actually response to what he said. cuma i response dalam hati jelah. i balas what he said tanpa keluarkan suara. haha.

then, abah suruh i pergi bayarkan saman di kat balai polis. gilak kot beratur. takde lah panjang mana. tapi lama gila kot tunggu. macam tak bergerak je =.= setiap orang tu ada la dalam 15 minit berurusan. pfftt. dah lah takde mood, kena tunggu lama pulak tu. haih.

and bila turn the person in front of me, tiba-tiba je orang tu macam biadap. i was like what the hell. ini lah sedikit sebanyak yang saya dapat dengar conversation mereka.

si biadap : saya nak check saman ada ke tak.
akak polis : okay. nak no ic.
si biadap : hurm, takpe lah. amik no plat jelah.
akak polis : kasi no ic.
si biadap : ni saya nak check kan untuk mak saya.
akak polis : yelah, bagilah no ic mak awak.
si biadap : mana lah saya ingat no ic mak saya ! *tetiba je marah n kuatkan suara*
akak polis : tak payah lah marah-marah. saya cuma mintak je.
si biadap : yelahh, saya nak kasi no plat kan tadi suruh check. penat dah tunggu ni.
akak polis : janganlah berlagak pulak kat sini. *tinggi kan suara jugak*
si biadap : bukan berlagak ! saya datang sini nak bayar lah ! *melenting lagi*

lepas tu, bila dah check saman semua and polis tu bagitau berapa kena bayar, ada hati pula si biadap tu nak minta discount =.= dah la marah-marah tadi, pastu tetibe nak mintak tolong kurangkan harga. banyak cantik muka hang. -____-

tapi lepas tu, i'm not sure whether polis tu kasi discount ke tak. pffftt.
gila betul. ada pulak muka nak minta discount lepas biadap kat orang. attitude memang terbaik lah wa cakap sama lu.

at first, saya terkejut jugak lah bila lelaki tu melenting tak pasal-pasal. tapi surprise surprise, selepas kejadian itu, saya terus lah berfikir and membuat pemerhatian dan analisa sendiri di kepala tentang attitude dia and terus, mood is ON. haha. terus je ada mood. *i know, i know, macam takde kene mengena pun*

lepas tu, terus saya bercakap seperti biasa :) maybe sebab bila jumpa and nampak attitude orang yang ntah pape tu, terus bermuhasabah diri. daripada bengang kena tunggu beratur lama-lama *lebih 30 minit tunggu kot*, at last saya cool je sampai lah sekarang HAHA.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

after office hour,

snapping some random photos. again :)


Would you shave your head if a family member asked you to because they had cancer?
hurm, i guess so. 60% yes kot. i mean, bukan lah semata sebab nak follow apa yang dia demand. tapi macam cool jugak kan muka i rambut botak haha.

What would you do if the doctor told you that you were pregnant?
gilak menipu scanner tu. buat pun tak pernah HAHA.

Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize?
yes, but like i said before 150 juta kali maaf pun aku tak makan. kejam enough?

Are you good at hiding your feelings?
depends la. if benda yang lawak tu, memang sikit punya tak tahan lah. boleh gelak terguling-guling. tapi when it comes to loves, i have this problem of showing it to people. i'm not hiding, but i dont know. it just seems so hard to express. kan kan? :D eh, cop, tapi bukan i ego okay.

Are you wasting your time on someone?

Explain the last time you threw up.
the first week of spm. yup, disyaki denggi punya pasal. damn. masa spm pulak tu =.= not so funny lah, wrong timing okay.

Last thing that made you cry:
the feel of hatred =='

Do you have a bad temper?
haha surely not.

Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
10 years means i'm 28. naahh. siapa kata i nak kahwin? harhar.

How many funerals have you been to in your lifetime?
2 je kot.

How often do you think of suicide?
otak still tak mereng lagi okay. enough of stupid question. like seriously. -.-

What is your deepest fear?
tengok orang kena sembelih depan mata 0.o gilak. tolong jangan berlaku. at least, not in front of my eyes.

Do you really love all your family?
tanya mereka dulu, baru i jawab haha

What do you want to believe in?

Do you have a secret crush on someone?
do my idol consider as crush? HAHAHAHA. lame nadiah, lame -.-

Are you proud of who you are?
if i'm not the one who proud of myself, then, who will? right? :)

Do you feel alone in crowded rooms?
i do, sometimes. but it didnt even matter to me. because i;m cool that way. harhar. *lempang laju-laju boleh?*

What is the worst thing a person could do to you and still be forgiven?

You're dying in 10 seconds. what are your last words to your bestfriend?
since i'm not dying in 10 seconds (i think), why should i think of the last words now? mestilah nanti spontan je kan? harhar your worst enemy?
eh sejak bila hang jadi musuh den? in other word, i have no enemy. :D

Do you care if person hates you?
no, i mean yeah. i mean, depends on who that person lah. and if because of stupid things, like wth -.- but if because of my attitude or anything that i did, am surely care.

freedom or safety?
freedom with a lil bit of safety :)

Think of a random person, and give them a message here, no names :
terfikir and terus je speechless HAHAHA

Has a song ever made you cry?
erk? idk.

A book ever made you cry?
takde kot. idk.

Name one moment where you sincerely wanted to die:
when i get so embarrassed.

For the last one, just say anything you want, anything at all ;
stop staring at me. didnt your mom told you before that its rude to stare HAHA *perasan dan silalah lempang laju-laju*

*person, you are tagged !
hashimah hishamuddin
siti suhailah saffinee
nur dina athia
afiqah anwar
wan husna wan gapur hahaha

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

dengar apa mereka kata tentang saya

10 random things people said about me ;
  1. ada pemikiran yang unik. *erk? unik ape kebendenye lah -.- *
  2. awak ni peliklah! *bukan pelik tapi lain dari yang lain haha*
  3. hoish, badan sasa, katang. *sumpah korang ni mengarut lebih. over gila kot*
  4. gila. ada mata pisang. *silalah makan kalau suka :) *
  5. suka menulis ayat-ayat yang power, kreatif n dalam maknanya. yang kadang-kadang buat orang fikir 2 3 kali dan ada maksud terselit sebenarnya. *haha, hobi :) *
  6. suka buat prank bodoh kat orang. *haha, hobi lagi :D *
  7. eii, sumpah gedik. haha. *eh? ye ke? haha. perempuan semua ada gedik masing-masing lah. tak caya?*
  8. sepanjang masa senyum. tak penat ke mulut? *dah, kalau masam korang sibuk pulak tanya kenapa. haish. pelik lah korang ni. eh, kadang-kadang lenguh jugak tau mulut ni. rasa tegang je muka haha*
  9. gila camera betul. *haha, sorry lah. dah terjadi habit takleh tengok camera on :p*
  10. wah. hari ni awak juara shopping paling banyak utk hari ini. tahniah, si pembazir.*-.- itu suatu pujian ke perlian*

haha. so that's pretty much what people always said about me.
ha'? ada lagi saya tertinggal?

sila lah tambah di comment box okay? haha

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

cewahh mak dara.

hari tu kat my chatbox ada mak dara kasi comment. so, i pun buka blog dia and jumpa lah satu entri ni. tetibe je rasa nak masuk. giveaway.

syarat dia senang je ;
syarat syarat untuk menyertai Mak Dara 1st Giveaway (GA) ini ialah

1. Mesti mempunyai blog
2.Follow Blog Bicara Mak Dara

4. Masukkan Banner Di Atas Ke Dalam Entry Dan Sidebar dan Linkkan Ke Entry Ini.
5. Tag Sekurang-Kurangnya 3 Orang Rakan Anda Untuk Menyertai GIVEAWAY Ini.
6. Setelah Siap Entry Anda, Tinggalkan URL Entry Anda Itu Di Ruangan Komen Di Bawah Entry Ini. tu jer =)

so, tajuk drama yang saya nak kasi ialah ORANG PENTAS. HAHA. tak tau kenapa. tapi tetibe je terlintas tajuk ni.

then, kena tag orang untuk join contest ni. so, saya tag shima, suhi, dina and sesiapa jelah yang nak join. :)

Zaman, masa dan waktu.

Assalamualaikum dan selamat malam :)

Hari ni aku berjalan, menonjolkan diri di khayalak ramai. Aku duduk di satu sudut. Di kawasan orang lalu lalang. Pelbagai orang aku jumpa. Berbagai-bagai ragam aku nampak.

Pasangan yang berpimpinan tangan.
Sumai isteri yang bermesra sayang.

Si perempuan yang menjolok mata.
Si lelaki yang bersubang telinga.

Si ibu berleteran anaknya.
Si ayah berperasaan kosong.

Si muda berlakonkan kematangan.
Si tua ditinggalkan zaman.

Aku flashback zaman lama. Zaman aku masih berhingus didukungan ibu. Zaman aku rasa bapa lelaki pujaan aku.

Aku imbas pula zaman 10 tahun selepas hingusan. Zaman baru nak up orang katakan. Masa mana kita paling banyak bohong. Waktu yang kita terkapai-kapai mencari identiti.

Masa yang 'wah kau seksi, kau laku'.
Waktu yang 'kau shuffle sampai kasut haus' dapat perhatian.

HAHA. Bodohkan zaman nak up kita. Gelak besar bila aku kenang.

Zaman itu juga zaman paling mencabar. Yelah, rasa macam dunia perlu tahu wujudnya kita.
Engkau terasa? haha. Aku agak dah.

Balik kepada mencari identiti sendiri ;

Pernah kau nampak kawan perempuan kau mula pakai alat solek tebal 10 inci dan baju separuh terselah kulit?
Pernah nampak rambut hitam bersinar disalut perang emas?

Pernah lihat kawan lelaki kau pakai rantai berat 10 tan dan seluar terlondeh sampai ke peha? haha.
Atau lihat pakai subang sambil jalan terkengkang-kengkang ala-ala gengster kampung?

Gelak besar lagi aku. HAHA.

Dan aku cuba pula renung zaman sekarang. Masa kini. Alhamdulillah masing-masing dah jumpa identiti sendiri. Identiti yang bukan masa zaman nak up tu. Identiti yang molek dipandang dan tak nampak bajet di mata. haha. Tapi kesian juga, yang segelintir tu, yang masih amalkan ilmu nak up kan diri.

Sudah sudah lah tu. Tak perlu nampak hebat untuk orang kenal. Tak perlu tayang muka poyo untuk orang tabik. Bergaya dan berjalan macam biasa, pun dah memadai. Perangai dan sikap jaga, pun aku dah tabik spring. haha.

Aku tak tujukan kat siapa-siapa. Cuma semua ni terlintas bila aku jalan-jalan sorang-sorang dalam shopping complex selepas kawan aku balik. Dan aku rasa yang aku perlu share apa yang aku nampak dan rasa. Ya, sebab aku ni memang suka perhatikan gerak-geri orang sekeliling aku. Tak salah kan? :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011


yes, we all do. siapa tak setuju, tolong lah. jangan menipu, boleh? haha.

from a tiny little things to huge things, people always keep secrets. but somehow, the more secrets that we have, the more urge for us to reveal 'em. its true, right? i mean, sometimes, we share our secrets to our close friends or besties, but dont we just realize, after telling other person it so not called a secret anymore. haha. plus, if the person we told tell other person. how? so, its better to keep our little secrets just for ourselves. siapa setuju? :)

honestly, i'm not really into keeping people's secrets. i mean, i have no idea why some of my friends always find me if she/he wants to share some secrets. and sometimes i ended up being stress over lots of secret that involved my surrounding. ok, let me give an example. A came to me and told me a secret about B. something bad lah. and B which is also my friend, told me about A =.= so, i ended up getting stuck between two good friends. haish.

but some secrets are really interest me haha. when it comes to people's crushes. i loike :)

i love secrets and for sure, can keep secrets. so, you dont have to feel afraid or hesitate to tell me one. cause what secrets will always remain secrets :)

i also do have secrets. lots. when a said lots, you have no idea how much secrets that i keep. haha.

you're my super something

i'm into this song right now. it's quite an awesome one :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

not my twin

i was supposed to talk about this a long ago. since some bad thing happened few days back, so i guess this is the right time to adjust back my mood and turn on the 'galok' button. haha.

so, as the list is getting longer with people asking me to post an entry about them. i guess i better continue writing now.

the next person on the list is Nur Dina Athia bt, Ramley. i knew her since form 1. we were classmates from form 1 till form 3. and surprise surprise, we got the same boarding school which is sester. however, we didnt had a chance to be on the same class for the two years in sester.

oh, the most weird thing about us is whenever we go, anywhere, people might think that we're twin or sisters. i mean, do our face look alike? paling tak boleh blah masa first week masuk sester, i selalu lepak dengan dina je. and got one time bila i went to her room and tetibe je senior yang duduk sebelah bilik dina, tegur and panggil i, DINA. yes, she called me dina. and when i said i'm nadiah. dina is inside. dia macam tak percaya haha. kalau pergi outing pun, mesti ada je orang tegur and ingat kitorang ni kembar. hello, tak nampak ke kulit warna pun lain. dina putih and i hitam -.- wasnt that so obvious? =.= tapi i dont mind people label us as twins :)

ok. honestly, dina is a bit weird. from the way she act to her fashion sense. haha. and one more thing, the way she walk. orang selalu cakap dia jalan pelik. if i have a video of the way she walks, i would definitely upload it here, however i dont. haha. takpe, nanti kalau ada pun, mesti dina marah kalau upload haha. perangai dina ni memang agak pelik lah. tapi tak tau nak describe macamana. tapi lain lah. and dia ni kan, nauzubillah sangat relax nak mampus orangnya. gila novel pulak tu. boleh pulak kan, orang tengah sibuk2 stress2 study masa nak dekat spm, dia duduk senyap kat tempat dia baca novel =,= sampai tiya who is her deskmate macam nak marah je sebab risau haha. ok, i lied. bukan macam nak marah. tapi memang dah marah pun haha. and about her fashion sense, haha tak tau la nak cakap camne. hanya sesiapa yang pergi shopping ngan dia je akan faham. sampai i n syaza pun naik pening. yelah, ada sekali tu pergi shopping kan, dina nak beli handbag. then, they asked us yang mana lawa. so, i n syaza pun tunjuk lah satu handbag ni *me n syaza have quite the same sense on fashion* and dina kata tak lawa. and the one yang at last, after taking a long time to buy, yang dina beli tu, saya n syaza rasa tak lawa. so, our fashion sense like utterly berbeza. sangat berbeza. haha.

and as usual, lepas dah cakap pasal the good thing, mestilah ada the bad thing kan. ok. the only thing yang i tak suka pasal dina is dia selalu cakap dia ni lesbian. and everytime dina cakap camtu, i rasa nak marah giler and nak jerit je depan muka dia haha. dont ask me why i'm so mad. i have my own reason. i tak suka bila dia cakap camtu. i mean, i dont mind she doesnt like any boy or whatever but please please dont called yourself lesbian. because, huh. never mind. takpe, i already told dina about it. about she's calling herself lesbian. so, dia memang dah tau pun yang i tak suka. ;)

so i guess that pretty much about dina. there's a lot more actually since i've known her for 5 years. tapi nak beritahu satu satu dalam entri ni memang tak larat lah den.

so, DONE.
will post about others later. ;)

dear minister of education,

now, people have started to talk about the spm result. ok like seriously, when is actually the date? the right one. i mean i heard lots of dates they were talking about. my kuantan friends said that, it is on 23rd march. but my selangor friends said on the 10th march. and others in facebook said on 28th feb. i mean like come on kerajaan. can you just tell us the exact date cause you see, some of the spm 2010 sitters' house are like hundreds kilometers far from school. it will be so much better and easier if they know a lot more earlier. ya, just to arrange about the transportations ect.

and it kinda makes me more nervous because my mind had already set the date as 23rd march and suddenly when anybody told me an earlier date, it will surely creep me out.

so, can you just announced the date and let us just be cool and chill a bit instead of being nervous all the time =,=

thank you for your cooperation.

today is friday.

yesterday was a bit bored. so i took some random photos and chill :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

80%, mungkin.

perlu aku khabarkan bila peratus naik?


ya, aku pun bangga. tak sangka aku berjaya. tapi tinggal lagi beberapa ketul peratus je lagi. i know i can do it. :)

thanks for all the supports, friends, followers & anonymous.

p/s : bila semuanya okay, aku akan sambung tulis blog ni macam biasa. secara normal dengan hati yang girang :D

Monday, February 14, 2011

rewind please.

i hate it when my mom knew something that i'm badly wanna hide from her.

and for the time being, i dont think telling my mom about my break-up is the right thing to do right now. but whatthehell, she seems to already knew about it.

awkward moments ;

ma : eh, awak dengan aiman macam mane? contact lagi ke?
me : erm, ok je.
ma : ala, aiman mesti berubah nanti. yelah, dekat universiti lain.
me : *diam*

what the hell am i thinking? isnt that the right time to just tell my mom about it. i should have said, NO, WE BROKE-UP. but instead, i said, OKAY. okay? dammit.

i just not into telling the whole thing about that thingy yet. but saying okay is just super wrong =.=

sahabat maya

Assalamualaikum dan selamat hari isnin ;)

ya, seperti yang aku janjikan dulu, aku dah kembali. maaf, tinggalkan alam maya sebentar. bukan. aku bukan lari macam korang fikirkan. aku cuma berehat. badan perlu time break. penat sangat barangkali. sekarang aku dah 60% recover. alhamdulillah.

terima kasih kalian atas segala sokongan.
kata-kata korang buat aku kuat dan tabah.


*senyum lagi*

rasa lama bibir tak dilerekkan. mereka mahu aku yang lama. ya, korang. tunggu, aku perlu masa. sedikit lagi masa dan aku akan pulih seperti sedia kala. nadiah yang kau kenal dulu tu. yang senyum sentiasa walaupun korang tahu aku senyum palsu. haha. korang memang memahami aku. jadi, boleh faham aku lagi sikit. aku perlu masa. aku harap sekejap je. tak mahu lama-lama.

40%, tolong datang segera. aku penat dah asyik pegang dada je pura-pura katang.


terbayang wajah-wajah sahabat dengan kata-kata mutiara


*pejam mata tahan air mata*

zahera shahera ;

Nafas aku tersekat di tusuk tombak
yang aku harap dapat beri perlindungan untuk aku.
Aku perlu kau, nyawa.

-Nadbs 1200 am

Jantung hati.

Kau kena kuat.
Biar sepuluh tombak yang tusuk kau.
Biar setepat mana tombak itu dihala.

Aku ada.
Aku tetap akan ada untuk kau.
Boleh kau pacak dalam otak kau sekarang?


Aku rasa sakit yang kau rasa.
Aku rasa bahagia yang kau rasa.
Kerana cuma itu satu cara yang aku boleh buat.
Untuk kau.

Aku selalu ada untuk kau.
Aku tak pergi jauh.
Dan aku masih tegap di sini.
Untuk kau, nyawa aku.

Kalau bahu aku yang kau mahu.
Kalau semangat aku yang kau mahu.
Seru aku.
Aku pasti datang untuk kau.

Aku sayang kau, Nadiah Baharum Shah.

nur dina athia ;

Kusangkakan panas berpanjangan
Rupanya gerimis, rupanya gerimis mengundang
Dalam tak sedar ku kebasahan

Pernah juga kau pinta perpisahan
Aku sangkakan itu hanyalah gurauan
Nyata kau
serius dalam senyuman

Bukan sekejap denganmu
Bukan mainan hasratku
Engkau pun tahu niatku
Tulus dan suci
Senang benar kau ucapkan
Kau anggap itu suratan

Sikit pun riak wajahmu
Tiada terkilan

Hanya aku separuh nyawa
Menahan sebak di dada
Sedangkan kau bersahaja
Berlalu tanpa kata
Terasa diri amat terhina kau lakukan
Terasa diri amat terhina kau lakukan

Sia-sia kukorban selama ini
Jika kasihku, jika hatiku
Kau guris oh oh oh...
Dalam tak sedar ku menangis

yep, ini bukan lagu indie yang biase kau dengar..

ni lagu lame yang biase aku dengar..

tapi sama bukan..

seperti kisah dukamu..

bukan niat aku untuk mengingatkan kisah duka itu..

sekadar berkongsi duka..

kite sama..

tapi sesuatu yang pasti, mungkin dia ade alasan yang cukup kukuh untuk melakukan ini..

harap kau tabah, sahabat !

p/s: yang aku bold itu, yang aku rase berlaku seratus peratus..

wan husna ;

thats just it? sumpah loser.

nur hashimah ;

bestfriends are forever nad, boyfriend sekerat jln je. :)

siti suhailah ;

satu kali kau robek hati kawan aku , aku akan cuba robek hati kau sama macam kau pernah buat.

fazrin zifa ;

sabar. guys always like that. u have friends that always support you.

nur asifa ;

berhati-hati, tapi jangan takut untuk jatuh lagi, kerana setiap kali awk bangun, that is the greatest glory! :)

jatuh memang menyakitkan. dan inilah kehidupan. jatuh bangun memang lumrahnya. tidak ada yang indah belaka. bangun sesuatu yang mesti, setiap kali awk bangun, awk rasa kuat, dan berjanji pada diri untuk tidak jatuh dalam 'lubang' yang sama lagi :)

buat ape malu dengan diri sendiri, menangis, jangan sakitkan diri sendiri. jgn 'hukum' diri awk sebab org lain :)

nurul madihah ;

kat universiti nanti lain, nad. jangan sedih-sedih.

adib akmal ;

lain kali, kalau suka, jangan declare. rapat-rapat je. sebab kalau declare, lelaki cepat bosan. tunggu je sampai masa tiba.

ahmad firdaus ;

good girls only for good boys. he didnt deserve you.

maaf, kalau ada tertinggal. aku hargai. terima kasih.


tapi aku, sedikit bebal. apa yang korang cakap, aku selalu ada jawapan tersendiri yang aku tak lafazkan. kalau aku tak degil camni, mungkin aku boleh cepat sembuh, kan? baiklah, aku cuba slow down pada sikap degil aku.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


aku mahu pergi bercuti rehat 2 3 hari kejap. penat layan karenah dunia.
jumpa kau nanti ya, alam maya.
tunggu aku. jangan kau pula lari dari aku.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

i love you guys !

oh my. thanks korang. so the list is UP :)

so guys. sila lah panjangkan lagi list ni :) will surely post an entry about each of it !

si gigi besi

so the request is up and the first one which is from ammar bukan nama sebenar is not valid because he/she wanted me to talk about my first love and saat romantik bersama aiman. huh? apakah? =.= so sorry dude but i dont feel like talking about it :|

and the second request is from iqa ! who is my schoolmate. she wants me to talk about her. haih minah ni memang haha.

so, here's what i truly think/perceptions towards you.

you guys might not know her. let me introduce a bit about her. she is norsyafiqah filzah mohamad saodi. stay in kuantan. i knew her since form 4. yes, masa duduk hostel dulu. we're very close and kiranya satu geng lah which our gang name is bangsawan. i dont want to elaborate more on why we called our gang bangsawan. too complicated to explain but surely not because we're rich wealthy filthy whatsoever. it just a name and that's it fullstop

okay back to iqa. i already told her like gazillion of times that she's really a motherly person. whenever our gang sleepover at her room, she would definitely cleaned up her room first, make sure there's not even a single dust on the floor *exaggerate much but more or less lah* sometimes she offered herself to sleep on the floor and let us sleep on her bed. how sweet is that *wink* and whenever she brought food from home, she would called 12 of us to actually join her finished up the food. and she dont mind to wash the dishes after that haha. *kitorang pun ape lagi, kadang-kadang naik lemak lah kan. biarkan je dia basuh haha*

apa lagi ek. beliau sangat soft-spoken. and know how to chill people when any of us feeling sad or down. oh, and kalau nak gang up with her dalam apa jua situasi atau perkara and even pranks, confirm korang akan puas hati punya :)

okay. bila dah cakap pasal kebaikan mesti ada juga keburukan kan? manusia, biasalah. i ni pun, nak cakap pasal keburukan dia ni pun macam i hebat sangat je. blah lah haha. tapi kata kena jujur kan. okay so, it's not really bad actually. but if you really think deep about it, you surely will know that what i'm gonna say will probably true and might harm you slowly without your consciousness. okay. listen. awak baik. memang sangat baik and pemurah and every good things is already inside you. awak ada hati yang bersih :) tapi awak kena tahu to limit your kindness. i mean, bukan lah buat jahat or whatsoever. tapi try to control it. kadang-kadang kita kena tahu jugak say no atau tak buat apa yang orang arahkan. i mean, buat baik tu memang lah sangat bagus tapi jangan sampai orang pijak kepala. jangan baik sangat to people until it will harm ourselves. yelah, kat dunia ni bukan semua orang kan yang baik and jujur. so, untuk elakkan any bad thing happen to you. before awak buat baik kat orang, kita perlu tahu apa yang orang tu nak sebenarnya. sometimes, jadi was-was pun ada hikmahnya, okay?

tapi janganlah pulak lepas ni tak jadi baik langsung. jangan jadi keras kepala atau keras hati pulak ek haha. just learn how to limit a bit on your kindness. give and take is a good thing. but if you the one who always be the one to give, give and give. then, apa yang akan tinggal untuk awak nanti?
ceh cehh, i dah melebih tahap naga dah ni.

okay, that;s pretty much about you, iqa sayang. :)

thanks for being my friend and lain kali kita ronggeng lagi ye :)

help me, will ya?

guys, since sometimes i suffered from blog-block syndrome, so it will help me A LOT if you guys suggest any topics for me to talk about. you could also ask me for any videos or tutorials and if possible, i will probably do as so. you can even ask me to post entry on you too. i mean, like what i think about you, my perceptions towards you or anything. ANYTHING. because like what you guys experience, i kinda got plenty of times and i'm seriously had already cracking my head to figure out what to do but it seems like nothing pretty much interest me nowadays. so, blogging is what i'm into right now. yes yes, i know. my life is pretty much plain and bored. but, please, please do suggest me something, okay? you want me to talk about what, spesis lembu di malaysia? atau kenapa bumi kita di panggil bumi? haha. yeah i sure will do some research first before i elaborate about that so topics. at least, i could gain some knowledge right? so do you. :)

so, really looking forward for your suggestions.
you can write the topics on the chatbox at the right side of this blog, ya. >>>>


i just backspace-ing all the words that i wrote because i couldnt find any reason why people would care to read them.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

recap of January 2011

this month pretty much fun and full of awesomeness. i met lots of new friends *angkasawan program* and i hope that the friendship i treasure didnt just ended like that. hope that we're still keep in touch until hurm, forever :)

so, here's pretty much what happened in january 2011 ;

  • me being an 18 years old ladayyhhh, i must say haha.
  • my lil sis also celebrated her birthday on this month. she's 13.
  • i start working with my father. there's nothing much to do actually in the office. i just on my facebook and blogging most of the time. seriously haha.
  • start taking driving class. but i'm too lazy to take the static test and until now, i havent completely read the 'buku panduan pemandu' yet.
  • aiman registered in UTP as a petroleum-engineering student. hey hey freshie haha
  • madihah 54f registered in UIA. budak medic kot 0.o
  • and drum roll please.....i went to the most awesome program i ever had in my entire life. program cabaran angkasawan 1 malaysia. met lots of cool and awesome people there. found a new inspiration ; dr faiz khaleed :)

january have been kind to me. i hope the other months didnt screw my 2011. amin ;)

siti suhailah saffinee,

specially dedicated to you. jom lepak, melukis dan berfalsafah lagi ;)

bila suhi berfalsafah,

dan bila aku membalasnya.

Friday, February 4, 2011

silver on black.

got new room decorations :)
made it myself. not too artistic tapi boleh lah bagi i yang so-so in arts :)

new skin :)

as the time flies, we started to grow. mature is the best word that i could burst out. am i matured enough? do you think i am one? haha. i know that your answer would definitely be a big NO. but, that was a time ago. we havent met for quite some times and i havent had girls days out for a while. now, i would proudly let you know that, i think i'm matured. not like 100% matured. but, there's a part of me, the kiddo one had already teared up from my body and a new skin of maturity is folded just beneath it.

previously, i tend to not take things serious and just procrastinate most of the time. but now, i guess i started to change a bit. i tried to. always. and i think i like the new me. the one with a slightly different minds and perception towards everything. i see things in new perspective. perhaps, because of all the motivations i got and experiences that i've been through all this while. it surely molded me to whoever i am today. and i feel satisfied of myself. just not the right time to, but the changes makes me happy and feels the reason to always wake up from bed and live my life to the fullest. i really hope that what i feel today will always be the same and all the motivations didnt fade away. the inspirations that i got would always makes me find a way to bring myself to a higher position :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gong Xi Fa Cai

fireworks ! taken from my bedroom's window. totally love it :)
hey hey, where's my angpau?


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

indian muslim, huh?

went to a bookshop this evening and guess what happened

i was looking at the novels. then, suddenly an indian worker came.

worker : u're looking for novels?
me : ohh ya. *my eyes still glued to the bookshelves*
worker : *pointing behind me* we also got novels over there.
me : is it malay novels?
worker : ya.
me : ohh its ok. i wanna look for english novels.

then, after couple of minutes, he left me and went to other place. nothing caught my attention, so i just left and went to the door. i saw that worker and passed him to say thanks n flashed him a smile. but suddenly i was stopped n numbed by a question from him. a WEIRD one. he asked me, "ARE YOU INDIAN?". i was like "NO." with a weird face. i wanted to laugh but it didnt come out. so, i just went out of the store after the worker gave me a sorry-for-asking face. HAHAHA sumpah kelakar. i told my dad and he couldnt stop mocking me until now. i guess, this thing will still lingered in his mind for at least a week -.-

honestly, arent my face look pretty much like a genuine malay? i mean, i know i'm not a truly malay blood but i swear i have no indian mix. like seriously. haha. how funny it was when it's happened. i guess, my skin had become darken to much due to the program.