and the second request is from iqa ! who is my schoolmate. she wants me to talk about her. haih minah ni memang haha.

you guys might not know her. let me introduce a bit about her. she is norsyafiqah filzah mohamad saodi. stay in kuantan. i knew her since form 4. yes, masa duduk hostel dulu. we're very close and kiranya satu geng lah which our gang name is bangsawan. i dont want to elaborate more on why we called our gang bangsawan. too complicated to explain but surely not because we're rich wealthy filthy whatsoever. it just a name and that's it fullstop
so, here's what i truly think/perceptions towards you.

you guys might not know her. let me introduce a bit about her. she is norsyafiqah filzah mohamad saodi. stay in kuantan. i knew her since form 4. yes, masa duduk hostel dulu. we're very close and kiranya satu geng lah which our gang name is bangsawan. i dont want to elaborate more on why we called our gang bangsawan. too complicated to explain but surely not because we're rich wealthy filthy whatsoever. it just a name and that's it fullstop
okay back to iqa. i already told her like gazillion of times that she's really a motherly person. whenever our gang sleepover at her room, she would definitely cleaned up her room first, make sure there's not even a single dust on the floor *exaggerate much but more or less lah* sometimes she offered herself to sleep on the floor and let us sleep on her bed. how sweet is that *wink* and whenever she brought food from home, she would called 12 of us to actually join her finished up the food. and she dont mind to wash the dishes after that haha. *kitorang pun ape lagi, kadang-kadang naik lemak lah kan. biarkan je dia basuh haha*
apa lagi ek. beliau sangat soft-spoken. and know how to chill people when any of us feeling sad or down. oh, and kalau nak gang up with her dalam apa jua situasi atau perkara and even pranks, confirm korang akan puas hati punya :)
okay. bila dah cakap pasal kebaikan mesti ada juga keburukan kan? manusia, biasalah. i ni pun, nak cakap pasal keburukan dia ni pun macam i hebat sangat je. blah lah haha. tapi kata kena jujur kan. okay so, it's not really bad actually. but if you really think deep about it, you surely will know that what i'm gonna say will probably true and might harm you slowly without your consciousness. okay. listen. awak baik. memang sangat baik and pemurah and every good things is already inside you. awak ada hati yang bersih :) tapi awak kena tahu to limit your kindness. i mean, bukan lah buat jahat or whatsoever. tapi try to control it. kadang-kadang kita kena tahu jugak say no atau tak buat apa yang orang arahkan. i mean, buat baik tu memang lah sangat bagus tapi jangan sampai orang pijak kepala. jangan baik sangat to people until it will harm ourselves. yelah, kat dunia ni bukan semua orang kan yang baik and jujur. so, untuk elakkan any bad thing happen to you. before awak buat baik kat orang, kita perlu tahu apa yang orang tu nak sebenarnya. sometimes, jadi was-was pun ada hikmahnya, okay?
tapi janganlah pulak lepas ni tak jadi baik langsung. jangan jadi keras kepala atau keras hati pulak ek haha. just learn how to limit a bit on your kindness. give and take is a good thing. but if you the one who always be the one to give, give and give. then, apa yang akan tinggal untuk awak nanti?
ceh cehh, i dah melebih tahap naga dah ni.
okay, that;s pretty much about you, iqa sayang. :)
thanks for being my friend and lain kali kita ronggeng lagi ye :)
iqa penah bg kt aku marker warne kuning n hitam. :D
wahhhhhhh, lepas ni saye pnye plak ye hahaha
fida ; simpan lah marker tu sampai mati haha
shima ; baiklah. u're on the list
sampai mati?skrg pun da xtahu kemana pergi marker tersebut. =.=
ish ishh. hargai lah sikit pemberian orang.
dah hargai dah.da ia nak mghilang,apa bloeh buat.nanti aku cuba cari balik.
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