yahoo mail. sign in. scroll through 100++ email. facebook bla bla facebook bla bla. eyeballs bulging out haha. stop. scrolling up. wahh siti natrah !

so, got new email from siti natrah about the whole angkasawan program thingy. like i told earlier, the 2nd phase will be held on the 23-29 jan. this thursday, she will give me my flight ticket to KLIA. *free of charge oh yeah*
according to the schedule given out,
DAY 1 ; JAN 23
- registration : Planetarium Negara
- check in :Kompleks Rakan Muda Kg. Pandan
- then, at night got motivation talk by Major Dr. Faiz Khaleed and distribution of groups and facilitator.
DAY 2 ; JAN 24
- medical check-up : MINDEF
- got trip to Centrifudge and some other activities
- off to Kuala Perlis at night
DAY 3 ; JAN 25
- journey by ferry from Kuala Perlis jetty to Kuah jetty *yeay me, we're going to Langkawi !
- trip around Kuah
- then, the horror begin haha *activity 1 & 2*
DAY 4 ; 26 JAN
- activity 3, 4, 5 & 6
DAY 5 ; 27 JAN
- activity 7 & 8
- closing & price-giving ceremony
DAY 6 ; 28 JAN
- off to ONL *what is ONL? i'm freaking dont know
- talk by Major Dr. Faiz Khaleed
- ONL opening ceremony
- PCA1M 2nd phase price-giving ceremony
- high table dinner
DAY 7 ; 29 JAN
- off to KL
ok, that's pretty much about the whole program. i'm kinda excited n nervous at the same time. i'm afraid that i couldnt do the activities well enough and fail some tasks. haish. pray for me that everything gonna be fine and smooth, ok? Amin. insya allah i'll shoot as many photos and share 'em with you guys ;)
haha good luck babe :)
sounds amazing! all the best bitch :)
thanks shima.
thanks biatch haha ;)
mcm mane awk bole dpt offer pgi program nie? huhu
die anta flyer kat skolahh saya. pastu, sy pon try jela masok yg fasa 1. mase fasa 1 tu, mule2 larian, 100 terbaik laki n perempuan dpt masok stage seterusnya. pastu quiz dlm group, group yg menang tu pulak dpt masok stage ke3. pastu iq test dlm group. tp setiap group die judge lahh n pilih 2 org bg setia[ group. pastu top 10 kene interview. pastu dr interview tu br die pilih top 5. n top 5 tu la yg akan pegi fasa 2 tu nnt
oh . byknye proses die .haha. btw good luck! sure program nie lg best dpd plkn . haha
haha thanks ;)
good luck dear
ohmy. teacher baca my blog ke? malu nya haha.
thanks nway ;)
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