so, hai ! it had been quite a long time since i last update. i dont know what i've been busy for but it seems like i have no much time to give much attention to my blog harhar.
maka dengan ini, seperti semua orang di Malaysia ini dah tau and kecoh-kecoh pasal result scholarship JPA & MARA. dan kerana i pun salah seorang dari mereka yang tertunggu-tunggu and ternanti-nanti saat ini.
andddddd wallaaaahhhh

Alhamdulillah. bersyukur sangat-sangat.
InsyaAllah i'll be taking medical course.
and this will probably be my path for this 7 years :
A-level INTEC ( 2 years ) ---> fly to INDIA ( 2 and a half years ) ----> clinical in MALAYSIA ( 2 and a half years )
so, itu lebih kurang lah if i akan fly and pass all the exams masa A level.
and tahniah jugak to those yang dapat. ;)
thanks ! ;)
gud luck schoolmate hahah
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