well hello. and malam ini malam yang sunyi and sepi. cewahh.
*insert mood melankolik di sini*
well of course, if log in je facebook or even twitter, semua orang pun typed that they're busy packing stuffs for U. and it all suddenly makes me all teary *yeah, insert mood drama jugak* cause the one yang i selalu main bersama-sama and gossiping and stuff might be the one yang i can hardly meet and if meet up pun, somehow it will feel seriously awkward and strange. and that what i most fear of. yelah, people do change dan itu apa yang i harap sangat tak berlaku. but wth, it will surely do happen, sooner or later, i percaya, memang sumpah akan terjadi. so apa yang kita boleh harapkan cuma the relationship, the bond yang kita pegang tu akan still kukuh and stay the way it is.
ini menyedapkan sikit my feelings ;

so, jom simpan cerita berbakul-bakul so that nanti time jumpa balik bila dah besar kita spill everything out ! yeah.
and to all my friends ! GOOD LUCK AND ALL THE BEST !
*big hug*
nadiah, saya akan kumpul berbakul bakul cerita saya untuk awak :)
yeay ! sy akan tunggu cerita awak tu :)
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